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Sunday, March 31, 2019


The following is amazing, but true!

At the March Planning Commission meeting, Al Novacek objected to an agenda item: Resolution 2015-03. This Resolution is the one Butch Hansen "sprang" on the Board at an earlier meeting. (See previous post "IT'S THE PITS," February 18, 2019.) The Board had actually asked the Commission to further look at some aspects of this matter of gravel pit storage. Novacek claimed that there was nothing further to say and that the Board had voted unanimously on the matter involving a particular pit owner's storage of bagged mulch. (Ceminsky and Hansen had pushed hard on this, even though it does not line up with the Ordinance language! I strongly believe that the Board erred on this one. This type of storage is expressly "strictly prohibited" in the Ordinance.) At any rate, Novacek wanted the item removed from the agenda. Commission Chair Ralph Fredlund stated that he was going to leave it on the night's list of items to be covered.

Okay, so then the Commission voted on the approval of the agenda. It passed 4-1. Novacek actually voted against approving an agenda! I don't think I have EVER witnessed this before in all the years and all the meetings I have attended since 2004! Why is he afraid of even discussing this issue? Why not just make his argument when the item comes up? (This is the very kind of attempt at the stifling of free discourse that I have observed too many times from a certain threesome. My opinion.)

At this same PC meeting when the item came up, Chair Fredlund presented a document that he had prepared on the subject and, after the Commission had a chance to comment on it, asked that the Clerk send it to the Attorney for review. The Commission (or most of them) agreed. Butch Hansen, however, objected to this happening. Board Chair Murphy (the actual Board liaison for the night) disagreed with Hansen and stated that the document could be forwarded to legal counsel. (At the following Board meeting, it came to light that this had NOT been done. Hmmmm... The Board majority then voted to send it to Kelly and Lemmons, the Township's law firm.) Chair Fredlund's request was entirely in order and appropriate. Yet Butch Hansen wanted to stand in its way. WHY? Is he afraid of any discussion as well?

Now move forward to the Board of Canvass Meeting. Under Ordinance, the Town Board is our Board of Canvass. As it happened, three Supervisors attended: Barfknecht, Ceminsky, and Hansen. The purpose of the meeting is to certify the results of the election.

When the subject of absentee ballots arose, it came to light that ALL the absentee ballots were cast for Lu Barfknecht. Mark Ceminsky apparently objected to the County's tally of these ballots, saying he knew of one person who had cast an absentee ballot for Novacek. Hansen then, it seems, chimed in with he knew of two people who had done likewise. Ok, so we are talking about three (3) votes against a winning margin by Barfknecht of 42. Reportedly, it was expressed that Al should get credit for every vote he received. Fair enough.

However, with Barfknecht necessarily recusing herself as the victor of the election, there was not a quorum to certify. So then what? Rather than move to accept the results, the Board of Canvass Meeting was recessed until the following Monday. Again, I don't believe this has ever happened before! Remember, it is allegedly three votes, and wouldn't even change the end result anyway. Those persons thinking they had cast such votes have the option of signing an affidavit with the County to that effect. Novacek could always challenge the count if he truly thought he had any chance of reversing the end game. But we are recessed.

On the following Monday, Tim Murphy was in attendance at the Town Hall. Butch Hansen "refused" to let Murphy take part in the extended Board of Canvass meeting since he hadn't been at the first part!! This is so out of line. I can't convey the level of my dismay and shock at hearing this! Hansen cannot block a duly elected public official from performing his duties! From where does he propose he gets this authority? Rather than create a scene, Murphy acquiesced. (I wouldn't have done the same!)

Would it not logically follow then, that if Hansen or anyone else ever shows up late to a meeting, he can be refused any participation at the meeting? How well do you think that would sit?

At any rate, Clerk Solis reported that she had communicated with the County. The County reconfirmed that the 11 absentee ballots had all been cast for Barfknecht. Evidently, there were some defective and/or late absentee ballots cast for Novacek, but they had to be disallowed as proper procedure was NOT followed. This was the County's decision and ruling.

FINALLY, your election results were finalized! Barfknecht 208, Novacek 166.

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