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Friday, June 26, 2020


You can see them on Zoom meetings! Until further notice vis a vis the coronavirus, this will be the mode of operation for the Township meetings and even public hearings if there are any. Recently, several citizens have attended meetings in this way. You are encouraged to also attend from the comfort of your own home.

If you are on the "notification list," the Clerk will send you the information for joining the meeting. If not, it is always posted on the Township website. If you would like to be on the notification list for certain items such as special meetings or public hearings or certain topics, just let the Clerk know and she will be glad to include you.

It is also of interest that the Town Board has opted to hold two regular meetings a month-the second and fourth Mondays as a rule. The hope is that meetings will not take so long, "overtime" attorney fees beyond the flat meeting rate up to 10 p.m. can be avoided, and attendees can function well at work the next day! So far, meetings have ended by ten or earlier. The first meeting of the month will generally be the one at which citizen permits and reviews are held.

At the latest Town Board meeting on the 22nd of July, the Board reaffirmed a policy to allow pools and decks to be processed as Over-The-Counter (OTC) permits. This was instituted years ago under then-Planning Commission Chair Mike Greco as an aid to citizens due to the short seasons for such uses. Rather than needing to go before the Commission and the Board at successive meetings, the Planning Commission Chair or Vice Chair, along with the Zoning Administrator (the Clerk) will review the applications for zoning requirements such as setbacks and sign off on them. The permit is then forwarded to the Building Official for inspections, etc. This is a big time saver for citizens.

It is of note that, although classified as OTC, the building permit fees for these structures is based on the Building Official's valuation, per the state schedule. Other more typical OTC permits, such as re-roofing, have a flat fee attached to them.

One type of permit that will continue to come before the Planning Commission and the Town Board for zoning review is for an agricultural building. A previous Board had moved Ag building permits to OTC status; a subsequent Board had moved them back to more review.

At the last Town Board meetings, Mark Ceminsky argued to make them OTC again. It was stated at each meeting that the majority of the Commission believes these permits need to come before both bodies. During the time that they were OTC, an ag building was constructed over a lot line! This sort of error must be avoided. Exemptions from the Building Code for such structures are governed by State statute. Every time a building is incorrectly granted ag exemption status, the Township misses out on hundreds or even thousands of dollars of permit fees!

Under the statute, the land must be taxed as ag by the Dakota County Assessor. It must have produced ag products for at least one year prior to receiving this classification. The building must be used for agricultural purposes, such as the storage of grain, hay, or farming equipment, or the housing of livestock. The public is not allowed to be in the building. Farmers, their families and farm employees are covered for use. If the public has entry, then the structure is no longer considered ag, and the Building Code must be enforced to protect public safety. The State Legislature made this accommodation to farmers, reducing their costs of doing business since the permit fees do not apply. There is a Township fee of $25 for Clerk time and one of $25 for Planning Commission member inspection of setback stakes. There is also an accompanying ag exemption form to be filled out and signed by the applicant, attesting to the structure's use as ag.

Since this can be a weighty matter, the Commission has supported both Commission and Board review to be sure that the statute is being met and any permit fees that should be required in certain instances are paid.

The Board agreed and voted to keep these buildings on the monthly agendas. Since the applicant is receiving an exemption from building permit fees, this is thought to be not too much to ask. It is also less likely that errors will be made with more eyes with oversight.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The May 05, 2020, Planning Commission Meeting News!

The current Eureka Planning Commission met for the first time on
May 05, 2020, after the Town Board appointed Nancy Sauber, 
Julie Larson and William (Bill) Clancy as Commissioners.

Nominations were accepted for Planning Commission Chair
and Vice Chair.  Nancy Sauber and Julie Larson were nominated 
for the position of Chair.  Commissioner Larson declined.
Commissioners voted 4 to 1 to elect Commissioner Sauber as Chair. 
Four votes stated aye and  Commissioner Novacek voted nay. 
Congratulations, Commissioner Sauber.

Commissioner Randy Wood was nominated as Vice Chair. The
vote was taken and Commissioner Wood was elected.  
Congratulations, Commissioner Wood.

ZONING APPLICATIONS: Zoning questions on applications that 
need to be addressed were discussed. The applications should include
setbacks and the use so Permit fees can be charged appropriately.

GOVERNMENT TRAINING:  Chair Sauber encouraged all
Commissioners to enroll in classes offered by the Government
Training Services and other providers.  The classes give a basic
understanding of what government is all about, the history
of zoning, why Eureka has zoning and how the Planning
Commission interacts with the Town Board, etc.

MAT MANUALS: Chair Sauber asked if any of the Commissioners
were interested in an updated hard copy of the MAT (Minnesota
Association of Townships) Manual. The request needed to be submitted
to the Town Board for approval.  Four Commissioners requested a
hard copy of the Manual and Commissioner Novacek declined.

stated that it has been the past policy that each Commissioner
accept and act as liaison to report pertinent information to
the Supervisors at the Town Board meetings. Each Commissioner
has traditionally accepted 2 or 3 meetings as a liaison.

Commissioner Novacek stated he would gladly take 2 meetings
provided HE is the liaison. However he would NOT do so if the Chair
is there as well "watching over." Chair Sauber stated that that was 
his decision to make. 

Chair Sauber stated that she would never not be at the table if she is
attending a Board meeting.  She would always offer factual information
if the liaison did not clarify well enough. She stated that she would not sit by
and let mistakes be made. Then Chair Sauber stated she would beg the 
indulgence of other Commissioners to also feel free to add anything 
of importance.

When once again Chair Sauber asked Commissioner Novacek if he
would consider volunteering for any liaison dates he stated
"absolutely not."  

Commissioners Wood, Clancy and Larson all indicated that they were
appreciative of the Chair's presence and assistance when it was offered.
The Commissioners discussed who would be taking which months and their
responses are as follows: 

Commissioner Sauber - Will act as liaison to the July, October  and 
February Board meetings.

Commissioner Larson - Will act as liaison to the June, September,
December and March Board meetings.

Commissioner Wood - Will act as liaison to the May, November
and August Board meetings.

Commissioner Clancy - Will act as liaison to the January and
April Board meetings.

Thank you to the 4 Commissioners who "stepped up to the plate"
and fulfilled their obligation as Commissioners.

Commission meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month
except for November.  Tuesday, November 3, is Election Day.
The Planning Commission meeting will be on Wednesday, November 4.
A vote was taken to approve the meeting dates. Four Commissioners
voted aye and Commissioner Novacek voted nay.