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Sunday, April 27, 2014


   In a previous blog, I reported the 3rd quarter 2013 payroll dollars spent by the Eureka Township citizens. The following is the 4th Quarter Payroll dollars paid the Town Board and Planning Commission members. Of course, it is my opinion that our elected and appointed officials should be compensated for the work they do for the Township if justified and submitted appropriately. Does a Town Board Supervisor really need to submit a $70 charge to consult with the Clerk and/or Clerk/Treasurer? 


Supervisor Pete Storlie
     Road Tour                                     $70.00
     Attend P.C. Meeting                    $100.00
     Town Board Meetings                  $270.00
     Special Meetings                          $210.00
     Special Town Board Meetings     $210.00
     Meeting with Clerk/Treasurer       $70.00
     Clerk Consultation                          $70.00
     Meeting Kelly                                 $25.00
                                                                                     Total   $1,025.00 
Supervisor Mark Ceminsky
     Road Tour                                            $70.00
     Town Board Meetings                       $240.00
     Special Town Board Meetings          $210.00
     Site Inspection                                     $70.00
     Other County Meeting                        $70.00
     NCWMO                                            $140.00
     Clerk Consultation                               $70.00
     4 Road Inspections                            $100.00
     23 CAPX Meetings                         $1,610.00
     20 Road Related Meetings            $1,400.00
                                                                                     Total   $3,980.00

Supervisor Brian Budenski
     Town Board Meetings                       $240.00 
     Attend P.C. Meeting                            $50.00
     Special Town Board Meeting            $140.00
     5 Other Meetings                                $350.00
                                                                                     Total      $780.00

Supervisor Madden
     Town Board Meetings                       $240.00
     Special Meetings                               $210.00
     Meeting Kelly                                      $70.00
     Meeting Willmott                                 $70.00
                                                                                    Total      $590.00

Supervisor Kenny Miller
     Road Tour                                            $70.00
     Town Board Meeting                         $240.00
     Special Town Board Meeting            $210.00
     Meeting with Clerk/Treasurer            $70.00
     Meeting Willmott                                 $70.00
                                                                                   Total       $660.00
Commissioner Novacek                           $190.00

Commissioner Hansen                               $00.00

Commissioner Frana                                 $215.00

Commissioner Jennings                            $300.00

Commissioner Barfknecht                        $210.00  


Thursday, April 17, 2014



Yes, I know meetings can extend into long hours; however, on behalf of the Board, the Agenda was extremely long and requires another go at it. Thank you to all of those who attended last Monday.  It is encouraging to know that issues and the business of the Township matter. Perhaps the entire Board will come prepared.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I write this as one Eureka citizen concerned about the state of the Township.

Clerk/Treasurer:  We had a veteran of fourteen years who left us.  You can ask her why. When she was persuaded to return at least for a couple of months just as Treasurer, she was then, in my opinion, insulted by the then-Board's offer of a much-reduced hourly salary, even though she would be doing the same amount of work as Treasurer and just not as Clerk any longer. See "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight?" post.

Interim Treasurer:  A person from a neighboring township agreed to fill in for a while, but only temporarily.  My question about her stay here: Did any Board member (How about the Chair?) make sure she knew for which meeting they needed the budget from her so they weren't "scrambling" the night before the Annual Meeting? In my opinion it is the Board's responsibility to be well-prepared for the Annual meeting, and personally I wouldn't take it for granted that anyone filling in would know exactly what was expected. This person has now found full-time employment elsewhere

Deputy Clerk who became Clerk: At the last Planning Commission meeting and at Monday's Board meeting there was/will be an announcement that she is resigning her post. She has had enough. She has also stated that she stayed on as long as she did because she "felt sorry" for the townspeople who were trying to get permits and didn't want to leave them in the lurch.  She doesn't even live here, but she cares about you!

Building Official: As a Commissioner who waded through all of the former Building Inspector's files, the Board at the time asked me to help interview new people, which I was happy to do.  Of the three candidates, it wasn't even close. Scott Qualle was definitely "Qualle-fied" and very professional. I remember describing him as "a breath of fresh air." You can refer to earlier posts for more detail, but I then sat through a number of meetings in the last year or two during which I was actually embarrassed for the Township at the way in which Scott was treated.  Board members didn't even understand for a while where their authority ended and his began. (One citizen had actually stated at a meeting that, "The Building Inspector (Mr. Qualle) should be 'reined in.' " Clearly, he did not understand the Building Official's authority either.)

When the time came that Mr. Qualle's contract expired, the Board put out a call for applicants.  Scott was the only one who responded by the deadline.  But the deadline was extended.  One more applicant eventually responded, but he was willing to commit to only 90 days, not the 2 years asked for.  This time problem was going to be "negotiated."  That individual still was willing to sign for 90 days only.  Could the Board's earlier treatment of Mr. Qualle have weighed in on his decision, I wonder? (Newly-elected Supervisor Behrendt has asked to see all the paperwork that was involved in this matter. We'll see where we end up.)

Again, it is just my opinion, but I don't think someone should be "let go" for doing his job according to his sworn duty and his license. I also think that if qualified persons apply and are willing to serve for the time period asked for, someone should probably be hired.  Ask yourself why this didn't happen.

Township Attorney: At the Reorg Meeting, at Supervisor Ceminsky's instigation, the Board will continue with Kelly and Lemmons for the short time being, but will again look at other firms. We are talking about a "Superlawyer" law firm here (Mpls./St. Paul magazine), but apparently that isn't good enough for Eureka? (This isn't the first time for that, either.)  Ask yourself why.

Former Board Supervisors, including me, have often discussed how, because Commissions and Boards come and go, the Attorney is the logical source for institutional memory.  Once we have a good firm that has become familiar with our Township, as we do once again now, it actually costs the Township more money to change and bring any new law firm "up to speed."  And to what end? Could it be that the appropriate advice isn't always what "some" want to hear perhaps?

Well, I hope that this is a "seventh inning stretch," and that we will have our act together before the end of the ninth.  I just wish we hadn't worked ourselves into such a deficit.


The Agritourism Task Force met again on Tuesday, April 8, this time with Sherri Buss.  Sherri is a Senior Planner with TKDA and was able to offer some sound advice to the committee based on her experience and other townships' regulations she has worked with.  She indicated which sections of the task force's work were clear and made sense and which needed more work for better definition. She mentioned that the committee should either come up with what they think people in Eureka would be "happy to live with," or could present the thresholds to the public now to get feedback.  In either instance, of course, she said that a Public Hearing would be held so that the Township will hear from the public what its thoughts are on these items such as size of building, noise, etc.

Generally, Sherri was complimentary of the group's work thus far. The committee still has to iron out the procedure whereby it would be determined, by whom, and when a permit might be needed or not.  A registration process was again discussed as an opening step in this process.

Sherri also indicated to the task force which of their questions were really attorney questions.  The committee will meet with the Township Attorney, most likely Chad Lemmons, on Thursday, April 24 (7:00-9:00). Attorney questions from the task force are to be submitted to Mr. Lemmons midweek this week so that he can prepare for the discussion on the 24th. This would be an informative meeting to attend, even if you haven't attended any other thus far.  

I DO hope that a couple of members of the task force who said something along the lines about seeking advice from a different attorney if they "didn't like" the advice coming from Mr. Lemmons were either joking (best case) or speaking on a personal basis only.  It was unclear to me what was meant. Naturally, the Township Attorney advises the Township, I think you would agree.

The committee is nearing the end of its work.  It may have a couple other meetings after the meeting with Mr.  Lemmons before its work is sent on to the next step. Keep an eye open!

Speaking of that, I did once again ask that the minutes and materials from this committee be put on the website for the public's information, just as was done for the Transfer Task Force.  I received a response that (at least one) set of minutes was ready for that. (!) I asked that it all be put there. Currently, none of it is yet.  In fact, I didn't see even a mention of this Task Force on the website at all.  I think that either this committee or the Board itself should make sure that the public has this information well in advance of any public hearing.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

