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Friday, October 25, 2013


What IS it, anyway?  

Well, one thing for sure is it can be much more than a pick-your-own pumpkin patch, a hayride, or a corn maze.  These are all uses that I doubt anyone would have any issue with.  Sounds like good, clean, family fun, right?  However, as has been presented in various forums so far, agritourism can entail a wide variety of fairly intensive applications, not all of which you, as a Eureka citizen, might be in favor of in our fair community.

The AGRITOURISM TASK FORCE had its first meeting this past Wednesday, October 23rd.  All six members appointed by the Board were in attendance. One member of the public was there: me.  :-)

Nancy Sauber
I had applied to be on the committee, but was the only person not associated with the ongoing lawsuit (there were three such applicants) not to be appointed by the Board.  Supervisor Budenski had suggested that the seven remaining applicants, once the three litigants were "set aside" at the Attorney's advice, be appointed; this was a good response to a call for a task force, a positive thing, he thought.  However, the Board in its wisdom saw fit to stick with the even-numbered committee (See October 22nd post, "Eureka Engages An Agritourism Task Force," for this discussion) and saw fit to appoint the others. So be it; it is a good group for the discussion.  And your faithful reporter will be in attendance as I have been in the past.

A great amount of meeting time was spent discussing the definition of agritourism. The group had at its disposal several definitions from various other venues: states and also neighboring counties.  It discussed whether it should list things to be NOT included (rodeos, concerts, amusement parks?) or whether it should list things TO BE included (apple sales, tours, meat processing facilities, amusement park rides on a limited time basis?). Or should it NOT LIST at all? How does the Township limit the use? Various participants gave their own views on what should or should not be allowed. The definitions looked at included the concept that agritourism is to be an accessory use to an already-existing agricultural operation. 

Barn concert, Rice County
The definitions included the ideas of such uses providing entertainment, recreation, and education and being involved with the ag operation itself. The discussion of retail sales, importing items from outside sources for sale within Eureka, and whether we even allow retail sales in Eureka cycled around repeatedly. Whether the agricultural operation or the agritourism operation had to be primary in Eureka was returned to a number of times.
It was argued how that exists already in the Township. Where is the line between agritourism and simply a commercial enterprise (remember, Eureka is zoned ag), the group queried?  Can we do something other than the state definition of ag; probably not, the group concurred. What is the difference between "entertainment" and "recreation?" And so on.

As an outside observer, I was unclear as to why the group apparently felt it perhaps needed to come up with a different definition for agritourism than what is already out there.  Since the other definitions were so similar to each other, would it not make sense to simply recommend the adoption of one of them? Then discuss what that might mean in practical terms.

Again and again, I was struck by the fact that here we have SIX people, as well-intentioned as they might be, who are discussing what Eureka wants or does not want; should allow or should not allow, without benefit of open houses and surveys from the public stating what THE PUBLIC wants. The idea of having such open houses and questionnaires was briefly discussed towards the end of the meeting. One member thought it was "not necessary." Others seemed to think it was definitely needed, while still others were okay with it, at least to some extent, although not advocating for it. Frankly, I cannot see a way to do this appropriately UNLESS we have greater community involvement. It feels to me that we are coming at this backwards. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

The group has tentatively planned their next meetings:
Wednesday, October 30th, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall
Wednesday, November 6th, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall
Wednesday, November 13th, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall
Wednesday, November 20th, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall
Tuesday, November 26th, 7:00 p.m., Town Hall

On the agenda for the next meeting is the definition and what the "steps to implementation" should involve.  The latter is where the public input would come in, if it is going to. The group could recommend to the Board that open houses, surveys, Planner assistance and Attorney input be sought, and earlier rather than later. (Again, see "Eureka Engages An Agritourism Task Force" for thoughts on the appropriate process.)


There are several ways:

1) Call the Task Force Members and discuss with them.
2) Send an email to the Town Clerk to be dispersed to a) the Task Force, b) the Town Board, c) the Planning Commission, d) all of the above.
3) Come to a meeting or two.  You have a right to observe, not to comment, but the committee can decide whether to take public input or not.  Other Task Forces have done so during their meetings--at least at a "break time" just for that. At the very least, you can be better informed for your next phone call(s)/email(s).
4) Send someone from your neighborhood to attend and report back.  You can take turns doing this so as to not be overly burdensome for any one person.
5) Come to the Board meeting to speak during the "Public Comment" period. (Limited time-3 minutes or so)
6) Any combination of the above!


  1. Thank you for your valuable report and update on the Agri-tourism Task Force. For the citizens who are busy in the fields at this time year, the information and updates are most helpful. The issue of Agri-tourism has the potential to affect property owners in positive as well as negative ways and certainly has the potential to affect property values. Allowing the process to move forward with legal guidance as well as that of a professional planner and citizen input meetings will grant legitimate citizen confidence to the complex issue. This is an issue which requires great scrutiny and should never be considered a "bucket of giggles." Please continue to provide updates as the process moves forward. We all need to be cognizant of the manner in which appointed members conduct the business of the Township when they are assigned the responsibility of doing so in good faith.

  2. Thank you for your diligence and report on this important issue for our Township.

  3. At the May 6, 2013, Planning Commission meeting, Mark Parranto was present to represent his agricultural activities since 1995 in the Township. He stated "he is opposed to new ordinance language being drafted as the current language is adequate; it's already an allowed usage." (Taken from the May Planning Commission minutes - read the Eureka Web site posted minutes.) Mr. Parranto also spoke and asked questions at the July 1, 1013, Planning Commission meeting. While discussing the proposed Agri-tourism language, Mr. Parranto commented that "if this is adopted, he will seek an injunction to stop it, because he will be out of business." It was stated on a Facebook page on October 5, 2013, that " Fur-ever Wild was at the Applewood Apple Orchard off of Cedar Avenue in Farmington." Is it feasible to expect Mr. Parranto to function as a Task Force member with no biases and an open mind? Just asking!

  4. Correction to the October 25, 2013 posting. The sentence should read "July 1, 2013." See Planning Commission minutes
    on the Eureka Web site.

  5. Thank you for your diligence and report on this important issue for our Township.

  6. While making repairs to our combine yesterday, a neighbors car pulled in with a bunch of kids. They stopped to ask if it was ok to let the kids pet the young calves. We didn't feel the need to charge admission or should I say ask for "a suggested donation". We were not having a "garage sale" for the 24th time this year nor were there any vendor spaces for rent. No food trucks or portable bathrooms. Instead we sent the family home with a bale of straw and a few corn stalks, and hopefully a little memory of a great fall afternoon.


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