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Monday, April 15, 2024



At its special meeting on April 9th, the Town Board interviewed five applicants for two openings on the Planning Commission: Debbie Burkhardt, Melanie Storlie, Bill Roske, Brian Storlie, and Dan Heyda.

During the interviews, Supervisor Tim Pope repeatedly said he had no questions of the applicants, although he said he enjoyed reading their applications. 

Supervisor Allen Novacek asked each applicant what he billed as "a loaded question:" Does a Planning Commissioner work for the Town Board or for the residents? In each case he stated that the obvious answer was "both," but since he was already telling the applicants that, he said he was looking for something else. 

Based on his public comments in previous meetings, in my opinion he was looking for the answer that the Commission works for the Board and should work (only) at its direction. Now, it is true that the Board appoints the Commission, but the Commission has several goals and responsibilities under the Ordinances. It must maintain the Comprehensive Plan, review applications for zoning compliance, and hold public hearings, for example. It can also, on its own, suggest text amendments to the Ordinances. It can take on many subjects it believes to be of importance for the Township. Ultimately, their work is submitted to the Board for approval, but the Planning Commission has historically taken on a lot of work for Eureka citizens.

Supervisor Novacek has stated several times in public that the Commission works for the Board. He has appeared not to appreciate any initiative taken by the Commission such as reducing speed limits in rural residential districts, which the Township is clearly authorized to do under State statute. He and Supervisor Pope fought this whole idea of reasonable speed limits in the denser areas multiple times. The Board majority at the time, however, supported the Commission's effort. 

In fact, this reduction in the speed limit was done some years ago in the past on a portion of Highview Avenue when there is sufficiently dense residential use. As I remember it as a supervisor at the time, the citizens in that district were in favor of the initiative.

The Commission under the leadership of Chair Bill Clancy is to be commended for the job it has done. I do believe they saw themselves as working for your benefit, and they saw themselves as an independent body, which they are. Yes, their recommendations are advisory, not dispositive, but the Commission can play a vital part in your Town government.

Commissioner Burkhardt did an excellent job on the Commission. Yours truly witnessed her in action meeting after meeting. She was fair-minded, thoughtful and always did her "homework" and research. She worked diligently. However, she was passed over for other applicants. Not only that, the Board did not even thank her for her three years of service after they appointed others.

Melanie Storlie and Brian Storlie have been appointed apparently by Supervisors Storlie, Novacek, Ceminsky, and Pope. I say apparently as the vote is a paper ballot counted by the Clerk. There was one vote for Bill Roske and one vote for Debbie Burkhardt for the two positions. On the very first ballot cast, all of the other four votes went to Storlie and Storlie.

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