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Sunday, November 18, 2018


The Commercial/Industrial Open House is going to be held as proposed by the "work group" of Hansen, Ceminsky, Novacek, and Fredlund, even though that means it will be the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, November 27, at 7:00 p.m.  Not the best timing, but do come and let your opinion be known.
The truth as I have known it is that the Township has had the common sense to have NEVER held an Open House during the holidays. So, even though I suggested to the Board that this was not a good time to get public input, the Board went ahead and scheduled then anyway.

Following are the public comments I made at the last Board meeting on Tuesday, November 13.

Nancy Sauber, 9445 225th St. W., Lakeville

I have a few comments about the Commercial/Industrial (C/I) “work group.”
  1. By Ordinance, since this group was appointed by the Board, this should be a Special Committee of 5 people, minimum. (Ordinance 2, Chapter 4)
  2. As such, it is subject to the Open Meeting Law. Contrary to that, there have been no recordings of the meetings per Township policy. There are no posted agendas or minutes on the website. Not all currently scheduled meetings are even on the website at present. A meeting was held last night (November 12) on a federal holiday, which is not allowed. Even more important, there have been no public copies of documents being discussed. These have not been “open meetings.”
  3. How much money has been spent by this group? Was it all pre-approved by the Board (as is necessary in the normal course of business)?
  4. It is quite something to listen to comments such as: [Should this C/I area] be on the section lines? Maybe the quarter-quarter lines? Let’s go up to the railroad. Should it go to 235th or all the way to 250th? Do you ever envision a C/I area around Town Hall? Based on what? A planner is sorely needed.
  5. There has been mention of setbacks, but not of performance standards generally. Anything goes?
  6. There has been mention of new roads, curb and gutter, sewer and water, water towers, uses ranging from sexually oriented businesses to fast food restaurants and so on. Where is the factual basis for these discussions? To blindly act on the “Everybody knows that such-and-such is going to happen” rule is irresponsible.
  7. “Market forces” have been mentioned several times. Instead of listening to amateur and largely uninformed opinion, the professional market study from the earlier C/I Task Force should be updated. That would be responsible leadership.
  8. Do we have a realistic idea of the costs and benefits to the Township? As outlined in the earlier C/I Task Force document, a fiscal impact study should be conducted to get a clearer picture of this. That would be responsible leadership.
  9. It is premature to hold an Open House at this time, not to mention it would be during the holidays. If the Board intends to go through with this, professional guidance should first be sought. With zoning authority comes certain responsibilities to all the citizens of Eureka.
Thank you.

In case you need a reminder, look at the earlier blog on this. The "work group" is talking about all the way across the northern border of the Township, down Dodd Blvd., and down Cedar Avenue, even to 250th St. W.

Some of the costs incurred could be construction of streets, maintenance of streets, including plowing and patching or resurfacing pavement.

What other questions occur to you? Come and ask them.

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