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Saturday, January 17, 2015


     The monthly meeting of the Town Board was held on January 12, 2015. The following is an update                       on agritourism, IT and the VRWJPO ordinance.                                                       Vermillion River Joint Powers Organization Ordinance (VRWJPO): The Township will start administrating the ordinance on March 1. The attorney stated that the Township needs to adopt the summary ordinance as prepared. The Ordinance was adopted and a summary was to be prepared for distribution. The Planning Commission was tasked with reviewing the Watershed Management Relations summary ordinance for any changes to procedures and creating an application form. The attorney stated the summary needs to be adopted before it can be published by the Town Clerk. A motion was made by Miller and seconded by Ceminsky to adopt the summary. The motion passed.
     Supervisor Miller stated to Commissioner Novacek, the Planning Commission liaison, that he was especially concerned regarding the procedures for implementation of the Water Resources Management Ordinance and the application stating the March deadline.  He suggested a special meeting be held by the Planning Commission. Supervisor Miller stated that the Board had directed Chair Hansen to present the VRWJPO deadline as a priority for discussion. Both Commissioners Jennings and Novacek agreed that Mr. Hansen did not convey the message. Commissioner Jennings stated that a draft copy of the December Town Board meeting minutes had not been given to the Commission for their January meeting.
     Supervisor Ceminsky made a motion to direct the Planning Commission to call a special meeting to address the Watershed Ordinance. Chair Miller seconded the motion with an amendment to discuss the Watershed Ordinance and ONLY the Watershed Ordinance. Supervisor Ceminsky accepted the amendment.  The motion passed. The intent was to have a "polished" instrument on the Ordinance and a completed "ready to go" application form to be presented to the Board in February. Supervisor Ceminsky agreed to speak with Chair Hansen regarding the special meeting. Supervisor Ceminsky felt that there should also be a special meeting for agritourism. He wanted to move it forward to get it "off the plate."  He made a motion to allow the Planning Commission to hold another special meeting.  The Board did not agree with this motion and it died. Chair Miller felt the agritourism discussion should take place at the Planning Commission
February meeting.
                                                                         FAST FORWARD: Supervisor Ceminsky agreed to talk with Chair Hansen regarding the special meeting for discussion of the VRWJPO ONLY! Chair Hansen, without consulting with the Board, took it upon himself to schedule a special meeting on January 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., to include BOTH VRWJPO and agritourism even though the Board directed otherwise. He scheduled the special meeting on a date Commissioner Jennings is NOT available. When the public hearing for Terri Petter was scheduled, it was done around Commissioner Hansen's schedule so he could be present. Where was the disconnect between Ceminsky and Hansen (or was there one)?MAY I ASK WHY? Agritourism is a very complicated issue with the potential of affecting all land owners and future zoning. Who is running this Township? Note: Supervisor Ceminsky, Commissioners Hansen and Novacek's terms end in March. Is there a sense of urgency?                                              

     IT UPDATE: Supervisor Behrendt stated the web site is taking more time than expected; therefore, the Clerk and Treasurer emails will be set up to be consistent with the web site.The Board will then discuss individual emails for Commissioners and Board members. He expects the web site to be in production by next month. There will then be training for the Clerk and Deputy Clerk.
     The Treasurer requested the purchase of a new lap top computer. Supervisor Behrendt offered to donate
a lap top that would be of a higher quality than the lap top the Treasurer would be authorized to purchase. Declining the offer, Supervisor Miller suggested the Board purchase a new lap top computer.  This purchase was approved. Thank you Supervisor Behrendt for once again trying to save the Township money.

     AGRITOURISM: Commissioner Novacek reported to the Town Board on the Commission's discussion of agritourism at their January meeting. He stated that there were three significant issues that prevented their discussion from being sent on to the Board. He stated that hopefully the language could be addressed at the February Planning Commission meeting.
     At the AUGUST Town Board meeting Supervisor Behrendt expressed concerns regarding allowing agritourism as a use can have different implications in different areas. Chair Hansen attended this meeting. Supervisor Behrendt indicated that the Township has had problems with past issues and to come out and say "it is allowed" might be a form of an ordinance zoning change. Attorney Lemmons stated that he had concerns regarding making agritourism a permitted use because of all the potential uses. If agritourism is allowed, he felt an IUP would be MUCH better. Mr. Lemmons stated the same at the January Planning Commission meeting. WHY DOES THE ATTORNEY'S ADVICE CONTINUE TO BE IGNORED?

     Suprvisor Behrendt stated that he would like clarification of what the expectations are regarding the Planning Commission's further discussion of Agritourism at their February meeting. The Planning Commission has been asked to submit their ordinance draft language to the Board for review and discussion of appropriate language PRIOR to setting a Public Hearing.
                                                                         STAY TUNED!


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