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Monday, July 8, 2013

Steve Madden--Listener

We can't say much about what Steve Madden does.  He is not "Linked in" or listed in the white pages.  He  has to have a Eureka address, otherwise he wouldn't be eligible to be on the Board.  Steve is up for re-election in 2015.
Steve Madden
Mr. Madden is the silent type.  He will contribute if called on but prefers to take a back-seat role.  If asked, he may even make a motion but last Monday asked someone else to insert the "number mumbo-jumbo" (parcel identification numbers, dates and street addresses).  He tends to vote in lock step with Mr. Ceminsky and Mr. Storlie.

Here he is plugging his ears during July's Town Board meeting as a member of the public sat before the Board, addressing them on an agenda item.  (Ceminsky had tried to delete the item from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting but was foiled by pesky rules protecting speech.)

What do you think Steve was intending to convey by taking this posture?  Was he merely overwhelmed? Was he being selective about what he took in? Was he deliberately trying to offend a member of the public?  I can't think of anything else and none of these seem an appropriate response from an elected official.

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