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Thursday, May 1, 2014


At the last Town Board meeting various appointments and hirings took place:

At the last Township election, you voted to separate the position of Clerk/Treasurer.  This has been enacted.

A new Town Clerk was hired: Barb North.  I cannot give you any more information about her such as past work experience, as the Board did not share this with the public.  Introduce yourself next you're in.

A new Town Treasurer was also hired: Marsha Wilson.  Again, I cannot give you any more info than that as the Board did not share such details as past work experience with the public. "Welcome" to Marsha.

If you have followed the blog, you are aware of the "upheaval," and I would say controversy, regarding the Building Inspector position.

Darrel Gilmer, Township Septic Inspector, was hired as the Township Building Official.  Darrel has been active in this field for quite some time.  He did ultimately agree to the two-year term of the contract, instead of only the 90 days he was willing to commit to previously.

The Township can have only one Building Official, by statute.  Mr. Gilmer does not do commercial inspections.  The Board hired Greg Staber as Deputy Building Official, in charge of commercial inspections. Greg asked for a one-year contract term, with an option to renew for the second year.  This is due to Eureka's low volume of such inspections and his accompanying insurance cost increases.

Two Planning Commission seats were up for appointment, those vacated by Commissioner Jennings and Commissioner Frana. Many thanks for the time and commitment over the past three years! 

There were four applicants for these two postitions: Philip Cleminson, Fritz Frana, Bob Frederickson, and Carrie Jennings.

Dr. Carrie Jennings, geologist and former Board Supervisor as well as Commissioner, was reappointed.  As a geologist, she has valuable background, knowledge, and experience that is unusual in a Township Planning Commissioner.

Phil Cleminson, former and current Task Force member (Transfer and Agritourism), was appointed to the other position.  During his interview, Phil stated that he has "absolutely no agenda." 

And the pitch...

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