Also at the last Board meeting, newly-reappointed Commissioner Carrie Jennings, Planning Commission liaison to the Board for the evening was, in my opinion, of great help to the Board, especially concerning the Road Contractor quotes that were submitted by three sources: Mark Henry, Road Contractor for the past year; Otte brothers, Jason and Bryce, former Road Contractors for Eureka; and Commissioner Butch Hansen.

Even though the spreadsheet has been used before, Carrie seemed to be the only person present who had it available for use. At least she immediately had it up and running. (I can remember another meeting in the past when the Board halted its consideration of quotes or bids until Jeff was called and showed up with his technology! You try to retire...!) In just a few minutes, she had provided the necessary information to the Board.
The Road Contractor for the year is again Mark Henry, whose quote came in considerably lower than the other two.
Jennings also used her smart phone to look up information when the Board had a discussion of magnesium chloride vs. calcium chloride for use in dust coating. It seems one, I believe the calcium, reduces the amount of salt put into the environment, something a geologist cares about, as we all should/do. Mark Henry provided information regarding the relative availability of the two products and info about Dakota County's use.
Citizens can expect dust coating to arrive in time for Memorial Day Weekend, weather permitting, the Board stated.
Looking forward to it? I am!

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