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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 The public hearing last evening saw 12 different people going on the record on the proposed elimination of first class mail notification of changes in zoning and mining uses. 

No one on Zoom was allowed to testify. Apparently, Ceminsky’s decision. This is an unfortunate turn of policy under this Board’s tenure. Why shouldn’t someone who can’t attend in person be able to weigh in on subjects that affect them? CONTROL?

Also, evidently a deadline of noon that day was put on any written comments submitted. That is a deadline without a purpose, except perhaps making it difficult for citizens to be heard. My opinion. One former Commissioner and Supervisor actually had to drive to Town Hall after submitting his comments after noon and being told that wouldn’t work, and he couldn’t testify on Zoom either. Why?

After each testimony, Mark Ceminsky, filling in for absent Pete Storlie, said, “ Thank you, Zelda” in a tone that one might almost mistake for sincerity, if one hadn’t sat through this farce before. Butter wouldn’t melt. Again, my opinion. 

Only Lu Barfknecht weighed in favoring continuing mail notification. Al Novacek said he “has struggled” with this on grounds of transparency. But when push came to shove, he opted to discontinue notifying you by mail. So much for “transparency”. Ceminsky’s motion to change the ordinance was approved 3-1.

THANK YOU to all those taking the opportunity to weigh in. NOT ONE citizen supported the change. Did that make any difference to the majority of the Board? No!

Nor did they give any substantive reason for supporting the change. No real rationale. It was a knee-jerk response to having been caught out on the subject during the agritourism hearing, I believe. This was pointed out by others to no avail. 

If you are not on the News and Notices email list, send your email and request for notification to the Clerk ASAP. That option is provided you by law and may be the only way you can stay on top of things. 

Many citizens also mentioned the ongoing effort to rezone landowners’ properties to commercial/industrial. Only Commissioner Brian Storlie asked at a PC meeting why they are spending all this time and effort (and taxpayer money) on this rezoning when many affected landowners are AGAINST it?


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