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Sunday, August 4, 2024


The Map

Saving you a trip to Town Hall and a quarter...this is the map discussed at the Planning Commission meeting referenced earlier.

Apologies that it isn't clearer. Maybe you have the tech magic to fix that: I don't. 😇

The key says green line is "Industrial/Heavy Commercial."
The blue line is "General Commercial."
The yellow line is "Neighborhood Commercial."
The orange line is "High Density Housing."

When asked for the definitions of each category, the Deputy Clerk told a citizen that there weren't any. I'm not quite sure about that as how can one discuss this issue if one doesn't even know what the categories mean? 

Maybe it's just me and my opinion, but this sure appears a lot like spot zoning on first look. That may have to be determined through a legal process. Spot zoning is not allowed.

What is the explanation of how these areas were determined in the first place? Did some landowners request them? So I guess we pick "winners" then? Maybe some landowners don't want this zoning and/or were never asked? Are we picking "losers" then? Can their property rights be tampered with in such a way in our small community? Do you see that as being a "good neighbor?" I would set aside for the moment what CAN be done in favor of WHY this would be done. What are the different rationales?

AND let's not forget that the Commission is also tasked with looking at extended home business. How does this all fit together? 

What is the effect of zoning certain areas for certain uses vs. allowing a use Township-wide?

The Deputy Clerk reportedly told a citizen that this is "way in the future." I don't think that is correct information to be given out. Perhaps she misunderstands the Board's intentions. Why would the current Board not want to put this in place while it is in office? This effort has been around quite a while and forestalled before. Other Boards may see it totally differently, surely. 

Again, if "high density housing" means anything more than four houses/rights in a quarter-quarter, this can't be done under ag zoning. The only reason it works at four per quarter-quarter now is that some of those rights can be transferred in, leaving the sending parcels non-buildable. Thus, the average is the same.

What would these designations do to tax status? To land values?

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