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Monday, June 24, 2024


 Following are various items from past meetings. With all the agritourism activity, didn't get to them until now.

1. The Board terminated Dr. Carrie Jennings, geologist, as mining superintendent. Chair Pete Storlie rather disdainfully (Yet again disdainful. My opinion) said, "Expert? Where's her resume'?" Now, anyone who knows anything in this Township knows who Dr. Jennings is and of her expertise in mining. Her resume' is longer than your arm! She provided a valuable service for the citizens. In the past, some members of some Boards demonstrated their lack of knowledge in this area---my opinion. There have been many complaints associated with some mining activity and compliance with conditions under the IUP.

The mines pay for her time as she reviews their status onsite once a year before the February mine reviews at the Town Board meeting. To my knowledge, no mine has complained. In fact, one mine owner reportedly said he likes talking with Carrie, she knows the business, and the cost was much less than he expected. Supervisor Novacek stated publicly that he doesn't think the mines should have to pay for this. He checked the Ordinances. Although he found "mining superintendent" in the text, he declared he saw no requirement that such a position exist. Pay attention to your constituents, Mr. Novacek!

Of course, Mr. Novacek stated publicly that he thinks we should do away with CUP reviews. He said let's start with the CUP reviews and then move on to mining!!

2. Road superintendent, Mark Henry, resigned pretty much right away after the present Board was elected. 'Nuff said.

3. The dust coating was actually placed on roads AT FIELD APPROACHES! No house in sight! I've never seen anything so hare-brained! What IS the point? It escapes me. Your tax dollars at work.

In keeping with this same issue, after the three-inch rainfall we had at the time, there was a water truck on site on a Township roadway. A citizen asked the driver why the water truck with all the rain we had yesterday? Driver replied that all that water ran off the road! Folks, if that logic would hold, WE'D ALWAYS NEED A WATER TRUCK TO DO ANY WORK ON THE ROADS! A water truck probably costs in excess of $100/hour, whether it is used or not once onsite. Is this a wise expenditure of your tax dollars?

4. One of the reasons Pete Storlie cited for firing Dr. Jennings was that she lived in the Township. There is no constraint against this in the Ordinance. It was never an adopted Board policy. Yet, at the very same meeting, the Board hired Supervisor Tim Pope to do tree removal and trimming. Note that the latter is certainly legal under the statute, provided certain things are met. However, it wasn't until the special Board meeting on June 20, more than a week later, that the Board after the fact adopted a resolution allowing them to hire Mr. Pope for this work in the first place. Cart before the horse. Yours Truly could have told them at the time what they needed to do; refer to "BRRRRR..." post. No more comments from the public during a meeting, even if it could b helpful.

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