First, apologies for my computer "skills." Following is a screenshot of the road report passed out to the Board near the beginning of the May 13th Town Board meeting. This is the document that there were no public copies of as I referenced on an earlier blog. It was submitted by Mark Ceminsky as Road Supervisor.
You will want to note the dollar figures.

At the June Board meeting the following information was offered, mostly by the Road Supervisors, Ceminsky and Hansen:
- It cost $42,000 to fix Chub Lake Road. Intent is to add rock and open it.
- Barriers for [either side of the Chub Lake Road] are expensive. Read not feasible.
- We'll be out of money for gravel by July.
- There is still $68k available for grading.
- These shortfalls could also affect snow plowing in the upcoming winter months.
- Flagstaff Avernue to northern border and 245th St from Essex to Denmark will receive attention. (I believe that this meant more gravel.)
Hansen asked for a vote by the Board to approve the proposed expenditures, or the Road Supervisors "heads will be on the chopping block. This has happened before."
What seems to be misunderstood is that the Board and only the Board as a body can approve expenditures. Period. The Road Supervisors or the Chair should be asking for such a vote each and every time something is proposed for the roads.
What was the outcome of the vote?
Palmquist: aye
Murphy: aye
Barfknecht: no
Ceminsky: ABSTAIN
The "Road Supervisors" abstain from a vote on the roads? What is THAT all about? No reason was given for the abstentions. Does this mean that only the other three Supervisors' heads would be on the "chopping block" if there is a negative reaction to this situation???
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