November 13, 2018
Eureka Town Board meeting
The Dakota County
Sheriff attended the meeting.
He reported minor thefts are
happening due to cars left
outside unlocked. Remember
to secure your vehicles.
There continues to be illegal
dumping in the Township
ditches. This includes dirt as well as
miscellaneous items.
The Sheriff advised to secure the license number and
vehicle description when reporting an incident to the Sheriff's
The Sheriff will address with the appropriate County
department the reported dumping of loads of dirt in the
Township ditches.

INTO THE TOWNSHIP: A citizen attended the meeting
regarding buildings he moved onto his property.
Unfortunately it seems he was not aware of the Eureka
Ordinance that addresses this issue. The citizen was
required to obtain permits for each building and pay
a double fee of $1,400.
Refer to the Ordinance Book, Chapter 4, Section ll - Moving
Buildings Into the Township.
Ceminsky presented a map and information regarding
the work they, along with Commissioners Novacek and
Fredlund, the latter a voice of reason, have done at the
"workshops." Mr. Hansen stated "We worked very hard
to get this done in a short amount of time because the
Township is notorious for dragging things out for months,
months and months." There was no information available
to hand out to the public.
Housing to industrial or industrial to housing is included in
the draft language and it "can go either way." Mr. Hansen stated,
"This is draft language that literally can be PLOPPED down any
place in Eureka Township." (Really????) Types of industries,
impact, building heights, designs, septic systems, water tower
and possible grant money was incorporated into the draft language.
Mr. Hansen stated, "According to the Lakeville Comprehensive
2030 Plan, Lakeville is going to annex portions of the Northern
(In my opinion, it might be fun to play in the sandbox
building water towers etc. with no experience in planning;
however, at what expense to the Eureka citizens? Once all the
work and money has been put into
this Commercial/Industrial endeavor, it is very possible
Lakeville will annex areas of the Northern Corridor. This
perhaps makes the area more attractive. Perhaps there might
be consideration for portions of the draft language along
Cedar Avenue).
Questions were submitted to the Township attorney. The
attorney stated that the Township could not prohibit sexually
oriented businesses but can put conditions on the business.
The questions and answers were not available to the public.
Supervisor Barfknecht inquired as to how many open houses
were being proposed and if there was enough pertinent
information to hold an open house.
The workshop group asked the Board to approve a budget for
post card mailings and a minimum of 2 open houses and 1 with a
Planner or possibly 2 with a planner. Hansen stated, "This is
a minimum." There is also the cost of printing postcards and
any materials needed for the open houses, attorney input, maps
and perhaps special meetings.
a proposed budget would have been submitted for the Board to
consider and act on at the meeting. (My opinion).
Clerk Finke tried to explain the process utilized for
addressing post cards which also includes email notices
which the Board decided on previously. Mr. Hansen could
not resist loudly and rudely excoriating Mr. Finke
during the postcard discussion. (This happens too often
and is unseemly and very unprofessional).
Chair Murphy, utilizing common sense and his experience in
business, suggested that because the information
is new to the Board, another meeting should be utilized
to discuss the budget, number of meetings and how much
should be invested in the total process.
Mr. Hansen and Ceminsky disagreed and were adamant
regarding holding an open house regardless of the busy
Holiday season.
An open house is scheduled for November 27, 7:00 p.m., at the
Eureka Town Hall.
(Information was gleaned from the November Town Board
meeting CD which can be purchased for $5 at the
Town Hall).
If you are interested and plan to attend the November 27
meeting, I suggest you might want to read the previous blog
many very good questions that should be considered when
addressing the possibility of Commercial/Industrial and the
$$$$$$'s that might be spent possibly for naught!
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