non-conforming registration was discussed during the
June, 2018, Town Board meeting? Ms. Petter was
present and stated, "This is about me." The registration
was for Farm Tours.

meeting, Supervisor Ceminsky once
again introduced the "mystery"
non-conforming registration which
he stated appeared on his doorstep
and also fell into the hands of Supervisor
Hansen at the Town Hall.
The "mystery" registration does not have the
original Township stamp on it as every other registration in the
non-conforming registration book of "accepted"
registrations from 2005. (The official Township stamp is red.)
There is no record, including the minutes, which verifies
the acceptance of a non-conforming registration for
Fur-Ever Wild OR Farm Tours for Ms. Petter. An original
cannot be located.
As indicated in the previous blog, Chair Murphy was absent from
the meeting due to a pre-planned vacation in Europe.
Supervisors Ceminsky, Barfknecht, Hansen and Palmquist were
present. Hansen was acting Chair.
Ceminsky insisted ALL non-conforming registrations were
accepted in "one sweeping motion." (In my research I did
not find this to be accurate. Citizens can review past minutes
from 2004 and 2005.)
Ceminsky made a motion to ACCEPT the "mysterious"
registration. Hansen seconded the motion.
Ceminsky's argument was that "when he went back to the minutes
the document was nowhere to be found." "Years ago it could not
be found." "It showed up this year at his door and in an envelope
at the Town Hall." (It is rather perplexing to me that the person
who dropped off the application at Ceminsky's and delivered
an envelope to the Town Hall has not been identified or come
forward. If this registration is an issue, why hasn't
the owner of the "mystery" registration approached the Town
Board represented by an attorney to resolve it instead of
dropping the registration mysteriously on a Supervisor's doorstep?)
Ceminsky stated, "It is a photocopy and the original is missing." He stated,
"We as a Township are going to get into trouble because of
missing documents." "Have no choice but to accept a photocopy
of what was done." (My thought: So now the Township
should accept ALL mystery copies of non-conforming
registrations because the Township might get in trouble??
LINE UP FOLKS?? I find this rather offensive and an
invitation for law suits.)
Attorney Lemmons reminded the Board that Ms. Petter admitted
to the Judge under oath at a Hearing that she did not complete
and submit a non-conforming registration because she said
she was told she did not have to.
Supervisor Barfknecht stated that the minutes specifically state
those who have actually registered and the Treasurer's Report
indicates those who registered and paid the $50 fee.
A Fur-Ever Wild registration is not in the records.
When the documents "miraculously" appeared, Supervisor
Barfknecht and the Attorney both reviewed the non-
conforming registration book and every other document in the book
had the original RED Township stamp on it. The application
for Fur-Ever Wild was the ONLY ONE THAT DID NOT!
At that time Supervisor Barfknecht's opinion was that
the application was fabricated. Whiteout marks could be
seen on it.
Hansen stated that he was on the Planning Commission when all
"this came down." "It should be easy enough to figure out how it
got to where it is." He feels things "miraculously appear and
disappear in this Township." "The color of the stamp does not
mean a whole lot to me." "It does not matter to me how the document
appeared." Need to talk about "is it legit or isn't it." Hansen stated,
"Attorney Lemmons encouraged the Township to put this to rest."
A citizen asked "can the Board, by motion without a Public
Hearing pass a motion that has to do with zoning where they
are approving a non-conforming use that was not approved at
the time as far as the Township records go?"
Mr. Hansen asked,"Can the Board now accept the registration as a
legal non-conforming use."
Attorney Lemmons: No, the deadline passed 13 years ago.
Hansen asked,"Can the Board determine if the registration
was actually filed and can be recognized as a file application based
on previous testimony and minutes."
Attorney Lemmons: The Court has already decided the issue.

with Planning Commission
and Board members at the time
of the non-conforming registration.
(My opinion: This was 13 years ago.
Perhaps difficult to remember facts
that can possibly be litigated).
Once again Supervisor Palmquist was a voice of reason
and stated that he would like to review ALL documents/facts
before any decisions are made.
Ceminsky withdrew his motion, the issue was tabled and will be
discussed at a future date.
Ceminsky stated, "I introduced the registration because I am
getting tired of all of this." (My opinion: Perhaps after
13 years and expenditures of Tax $$$$$$'s, citizens are tired
of it also.
Why push what seems to be an obvious agenda.? It seems that
the Township would have to hire an attorney to sort this out.
More TAX $$$$$$'s.
During the discussion, I believe either
Ceminsky or Hansen mentioned that 21 others could possibly
be missing. If this is accurate, why the focus on JUST this
registration in particular.?)

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Information for this blog was taken
from the July 9, Town Board
meeting CD. For more detailed
information, a CD can be purchased
from the Township for $5.00.
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