other citizens attended a Hearing at the
Hastings Government Center.
Ms. Petter, accompanied by her attorney,
was requesting a new Hearing
regarding Fur-ever Wild.
Commissioner Julie Larson was unable to attend the Hearing and
I offered to brief her on what transpired at the Hearing.
Commissioner Larson addressed the Board under Citizen Business.
Without mentioning any names, Commissioner Larson reiterated the
chain of events that transpired before the Hearing started.
Ms. Petter and her attorney entered the client/attorney conference
room located just outside the Court Room and behind a closed door.
At one point, Ms. Petter opened the outer door and motioned for
Mr. Hansen to join her in the conference room.
I did not notice Ms. Petter's attorney leave the conference room,
but it is possible that he did so at some point. It is also possible
that from the conversation I had with Commissioner Larson, she
room with Ms. Petter.
Commissioner Larson addressed the Board
at the November 13, 2017, Town Board
meeting. Commissioner Larson referenced
the Hearing at the Hastings Government Center
without mentioning any names. She asked the Board to engage in a
dialogue regarding biases and possible conflict of interest when public
officials are making decisions on issues.
Mr. Hansen rudely interrupted Commissioner Larson and
"STEPPED IN IT," stating that he had a right to speak
and "defend himself." He stated that he was never in the
conference room with Ms. Petter and her attorney. However,
he failed to state that he did join Ms. Petter in the conference
room. (During the following February 12, 2017, Hearing in
the Town Hall, Ms. Petter did state that Mr. Hansen joined her
but her attorney was not present and when he returned he asked
Mr. Hansen to leave).
In my opinion, as a Eureka Supervisor, Mr. Hansen represents
Eureka Township; especially in litigation matters. I question
the behavior and judgment of Mr. Hansen at the Hastings
Government Center.
There are reasons to believe the Town Board and Planning
Commission should engage in a discussion regarding recusal
and conflict of interest as Commissioner Larson suggested.
The following refers to the above issue in particular:
Mr. Hansen represented Ms. Petter at Town Board meetings on
May 11, 2016 and March 13, 2017. (Information taken from
Town Board minutes).
On January 07, 2017, Mr. Hansen came before the Board and
inquired about the amended Judgment for Eureka vs. Terri Petter
as it pertains to property owners regarding retail sales. (Information
was taken from the Town Board minutes).
On March 06, 2017, Mr. Hansen appeared before the Planning
Commission representing Ms. Petter on a Building Rights
Transfer. (Information taken from the Planning Commission
In March of 2013, Mr. Hansen stopped by Mr. Becker's office
(Dakota County) and asked him to send an email to the Eureka
Township clerk that clarifies the process for reviewing Terri
Petter's proposed "hog barn." (Information from Dakota County
On Thursday, April 28, 2011, Ms. Petter attended the Vermillion
River Watershed Joint Powers Board Meeting regarding a
permit application. "Chuck Hansen" attended the meeting also as
the "Permit Applicant's Builder." (Information taken from the
Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Board Meeting minutes).
In my opinion, I believe it is quite rich to believe that Mr. Hansen,
a Eureka Township Supervisor who attended closed Petter/Eureka
Township litigation meetings, does not give an appearance
of a bias and conflict of interest.
Town Board meeting, Mr. Hansen verbally complained to the Town
Board that Commissioner Larson slandered him at the November 13
Town Board meeting and asked for her removal from office. He also
stated that there was a conspiracy against him by other Planning
Commissioners. (There was no conspiracy as Commissioner Larson
received her information from me and perhaps as stated previously,
misunderstood the details I provided).
There were also written complaints filed by two Eureka citizens
asking for Commissioner Larson's removal from office. None of
the three complaints offered written facts to support their
complaints to remove Commissioner Larson for Just Cause.
On February 12, 2017, the Town Board held an open meeting
Hearing attended by citizens, Commissioner Larson, Mr. Hansen
and Attorney Lemmons. Mr. Hansen and Commissioner Larson
both spoke before the Board. Nancy Sauber and I spoke on behalf
of Commissioner Larson; Al Novacek and Terri Petter spoke on
behalf of Mr. Hansen.
After the Board discussion, Mr Hansen joined the Board of
Supervisors. He made a motion to remove Commissioner Larson
from the Planning Commission. Supervisor Jennings recused
herself as she missed the first 45 minutes of the Hearing.
Supervisors Hansen and Rogers voted to remove Commissioner
Larson and Supervisors Palmquist and Barfknecht voted NAY.
Thus this was a tied motion and it failed.
Commissioner Larson will not be removed from the Planing
Commission. There was no Just Cause.
In my opinion, there was not one scintilla of evidence in the
three complaints that would justify the removal of Commissioner
Larson. Perhaps a few hurt feelings, but no substantial evidence
was submitted to show that Commissioner Larson's intent
was malicious and slanderous.
Past Supervisor Beverly Topp, past Planning Commissioner
and present Supervisor Carrie Jennings, past
Commissioner and present Supervisor Lu Barfknecht,
Commissioner Nancy Sauber, past Supervisor Gloria Belzer
and Commissioner Julie Larson have been "targets" of
complaints or a law suit.
In my opinion, there appears to be a handful of citizens who
have issues with intelligent women in leadership positions
in Eureka government. Baseless accusations and frivolous
complaints regarding women has been going on for
years in this Township.
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