A Handful of Citizens Continue Their
Quest To Shut Down The Blog, "Engaging
Eureka in Governance."
During the December 11, 2017, Town
Board meeting, under Citizen Business,
Supervisor Hansen, Mark Ceminsky and
Terri Petter expressed their disdain for
the private citizen blog site, Engaging Eureka in Governance
(theeeg.blogspot.com). Mr. Ceminsky asked the Town Board
to take action to "shut down" the blog. This is one of several
attempts by Mr. Ceminsky to censor freedom of
speech; the right to speak without censorship or restraint by
the Government; a right to express ideas, and opinions
free of Government restrictions and interference.
Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment to
the Constitution.
Supervisor Hansen stated "I believe in freedom of speech."
He felt what is being stated in the blog is "not right; been
going on too long. It needs to stop."
Are they content with taking away someone's constitutional
right simply because they do not like what is said?
Perhaps they should think a little more about what they
are saying at a public meeting, including how the blog
is characterized. Something stated might not make it
into the actual minutes, but it happened nonetheless. If
they do not want it reported to the public then they should
not state it during a public meeting where there is no
presumption of privacy. The blog reports what anyone in
attendance can see and hear for himself.
Supervisor Hansen stated "I believe in freedom of speech."
He felt what is being stated in the blog is "not right; been
going on too long. It needs to stop."
Are they content with taking away someone's constitutional
right simply because they do not like what is said?
Perhaps they should think a little more about what they
are saying at a public meeting, including how the blog
is characterized. Something stated might not make it
into the actual minutes, but it happened nonetheless. If
they do not want it reported to the public then they should
not state it during a public meeting where there is no
presumption of privacy. The blog reports what anyone in
attendance can see and hear for himself.
The Devil can be found in the details. The Town Board
and Planning Commission meetings can last for hours and
many times entail long and detailed discussions between
Board and Planning Commission members, the Township
Attorney and, when appropriate, input from citizens or other
public officials.The conversations are recorded and the
Township clerks transcribe the recordings into written minutes
which are then approved and published on the Township web
site. I believe it would be extremely time consuming and
very inefficient to transcribe every spoken word. The Blog
allows for details regarding the discussion of issues
I find it rather perplexing as to
why a Supervisor or citizens
would subject the Township
to a possible law suit. Past
Town Board Supervisor, Mr.
Ceminsky and Ms. Petter are
citizens in the Township who
utilize the First Amendment
to freely express their opinions
on Face Book and other social media venues regarding issues
in and outside the Township.
Eureka Citizens should be quite concerned by the efforts of past
and present elected officials (refer to past minutes) who try to
censor a citizen's right to express their opinions without
censorship restraint, legal penalty or fear of Government
reprisal. I challenge those who are in favor of shutting down the
blog to refer to the utilization of Twitter and other social media
venues by local, State and Federal Government officials and
journalists. Freedom of speech and the right to freedom of
expression applies to ideas of all kinds including those that may
be deeply offensive.
Engaging Eureka in Governance is updated frequently and
generates new content which keeps citizens, who cannot attend
meetings, informed of issues in the Township; offering clarification
and details. The blog relates disc-backed information and
the content also consists of personal thoughts, facts,
and an ongoing chronicle of information regarding local issues.
At times, the Blog reflects the unprofessional
behavior of elected officials and hopefully will hold our officials

Stay Tuned! (Citizens can obtain CD
recordings of PC and TB meetings
for clarification, validation, facts and details.
Submit a written request via form or email to the Township Clerk.
$5.00 per CD copy.)
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