August 07, 2017, Town Board Meeting
At the August 07, 2017, Town Board
Meeting, Supervisor
Meeting, Supervisor
Jennings, discussed an Email from
Gary Schmidt, of the
Gary Schmidt, of the
Metropolitan Airport Commission
(MAC), which expressed MAC's interest in requesting
Lakeville's annexation of the Airlake Airport.
(MAC), which expressed MAC's interest in requesting
Lakeville's annexation of the Airlake Airport.
Attorney Lemmons stated MAC's intent is for Lakeville
to Annex by Ordinance. Before Lakeville can adopt the
Ordinance, Lakeville would be required, by Statute, to
submit a written notice to Eureka of their intent 30 days
prior to the proposed Ordinance to be adopted.
Ordinance, Lakeville would be required, by Statute, to
submit a written notice to Eureka of their intent 30 days
prior to the proposed Ordinance to be adopted.
Mr. Schmidt has not been responding to meeting requests
from the Town Board representatives. Supervisor Jennings
stated that Eureka had very little leverage in the negotiations.
Supervisor Jennings stated very few entities, not
even the Governor, have leverage over MAC, which is
similar to the considerable autonomy of the Met Council;
having a Board appointed by the Governor, but they
operate on their own. (Supervisor Jennings read from the
Office of the Legislative Auditor's website).
Supervisor Jennings reported she engaged in a discussion
with a Supervisor from Lakeland Township located near the
Lake Elmo Airport. Lakeland Township is further along
in their negotiations with MAC and are quite frustrated
with the process. They also acknowledged that there is no
State level oversight on what MAC does.
Supervisor Hansen stated "for a year and a half we have done
nothing." Supervisor Jennings reminded Mr. Hansen that
meetings and discussions have taken place.
Members of the Town Board have made an effort to promote
the Township retaining ownership of the Airport through
a Joint Powers Agreement similar to the agreement
between Empire Township and the City of Farmington.
Supervisors Jennings and Palmquist met twice with MAC.
A third meeting was never agreed to.
MAC held an Open House in Lakeville AND at the Eureka
Town Hall.
Supervisor Hansen stated "there is another way to handle
this. We chose not to handle it this way so the Airport will
go to Lakeville. That is a fact."
Supervisor Jennings suggested an annexation conversation
is needed with preparation and legal advice. Supervisor
Hansen stated "Carrie, this is a LOUSY excuse! At this
point we might just as well make a motion to let Lakeville
have EVERYTHING just North of 225th street and a peaceful
annexation. Just let them have it because they are going
to take it ANYHOW. We can regroup and do something
to stop it from happening in the future. That is where I
think it is at."
Supervisor Jennings asked Supervisor Hansen what His
proposal would be.
He stated "Let me go to MAC and see if I can't SALVAGE
this mess. I talk with these people ALL the time!"
Supervisor Jennings made a motion to end the discussion
until Eureka has a letter from Lakeville indicating their
intent. She suggested the Town Board members and the
attorney should be prepared to have a conversation about
Annexation which differs from an Airlake Airport
After more discussion, Supervisor Jennings suggested
Supervisor Hansen schedule a meeting with Lakeville
and she would attend also as she is the Board-designated
contact person on the annexation matter.
Supervisor Hansen schedule a meeting with Lakeville
and she would attend also as she is the Board-designated
contact person on the annexation matter.
Supervisor Hansen disagreed stating he "would just as
soon she would NOT attend because they do not
get along. What is the point?"
Supervisor Barfknecht made a motion that Supervisor
Hansen schedule a meeting with MAC since he stated he
has frequent contact with MAC. The attorney would attend
the meeting with Supervisor Hansen.
Supervisor Rogers seconded the motion. Supervisors
Rogers, Palmquist and Barfknecht voted YAY,
Supervisor Jennings voted NAY and Supervisor

(Information taken from the August 7, 2017, Town Board
Mtg. CD)
Mtg. CD)
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