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Thursday, August 10, 2017


Well, it happened again!!! At the August 7th Town Board meeting, during the public comment period, Mark Ceminsky got up and commented negatively about this blog. Since he is both a former Planning Commissioner and a former Board Supervisor, I personally would think he should know better than to complain about others' freedom of speech, but I guess not.

It seems this blog is distressing to him. That's okay. He doesn't have to like it. But it can still be here. Never mind that we have been through all this before with him and his "compadres."

This blog, as is often noted herein, contains opinions. It's a blog after all. It also contains verifiable facts. We give our readers enough credit that they know this and they know the difference.

Here are a few other facts that have come to light over time in response to certain efforts to try to gag the blog:

1) A blog is just one of the freedoms we can exercise in this country. We are free to voice our opinions. Government CANNOT take this freedom away from us.

2) A blog is exempt from the Open Meeting Law. Check with the MN State Legislature.

3) There is NO PRESUMPTION OF PRIVACY at a public meeting. Yes, it seems even your name can be used! Shocking!

4) And, no, it is not "illegal" to report what goes on at a meeting! Even before the minutes are approved.

          Sunshine is a great disinfectant!

Each and every attempt (and there have been several) that has been made to silence this voice has been met with common sense and an understanding of the law and, yes, even of our Constitution. Some like to allude to the Constitution frequently, but don't seem to fully grasp the implications of it and how the rights therein apply to other people, all of us, not just themselves. My opinion.

Why does this blog exist? As the title suggests, it tries to "engage citizens in Eureka government." This effort started for a few reasons.

One is that what goes on at the Township affects everyone who lives in Eureka in one way or another: "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your lives." Those of us who have been involved up close and personal over the years have seen quite a bit, some good and some definitely not so good. By the time you, if you are a citizen who isn't tuned-in and up-to-date, become aware of something that directly and adversely affects you and your quality of life, it may very well be too late to help you in your particular instance!

Not everyone can attend Township meetings, of course, but we hope that everyone will try to stay attuned to what is going on in our community. Minutes are posted on the official website, but minutes can be sketchy and not always as informative as one might think. And "Past Administrations" have seemed to me to clearly want to control the message. This troubles some of us greatly. THAT'S when this blog was started!

You could also request a disc recording of a meeting, but it isn't the greatest joy in life to sit and listen to a recording of a meeting that, at minimum, is two hours long. Not when there are so many more pleasant things to spend your time on. :-) But it CAN be eye-opening.

We hope that you will become or stay involved with your community, and hope to see you at meetings soon! Vote. Attend the Annual Meeting in March. Show up. Ask questions. Let the saying "You get the government you deserve" be a GOOD thing for you!

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