How's YOUR blood pressure doing? Mine is cookin' away! Let me tell you why:
For the Board meeting of September 8th, I had requested under the Citizen Input Policy to be placed on the agenda concerning "Ordinance issues." Those of you who are longer-time readers might recall I have done this in the past. "Public comments," which occur separately on the agenda are limited in length to three minutes. Not much time to make a point. (You might recall Chair Storlie's moving my requested agenda item to the three-minute public comment section of the agenda, thus effectively reducing the time I as a citizen had to make my argument. It seemed to me at the time that perhaps he didn't really want to hear from me at all?!? I strongly objected to his moving of my item.) The Citizen Input Policy states "Citizens or groups wishing to address the Board are encouraged to complete Agenda Request Form and request that an item be placed on the agenda for discussion

However, when I embarked upon my second area of comment which quoted Board and Commission comments from the June 10th Roundtable between the two bodies in regard to the VRWJPO
Water Ordinance, I was quite rudely interrupted. I was just a few minutes in on my comments as a whole and barely a minute or so on the Water Ordinance item when I became aware of "sounds of objection" coming from the vicinity of Commissioners Hansen and Cleminson at the side table, as well as Chair Miller cutting me off, saying I had gone beyond my "time limit." Further, Miller then said emphatically in the direction of the two Commissioners, "She has 40 seconds!" 40 seconds, Mr. Chair, as much as that?
Okay, so this is a Board meeting and the Board Chair responds to two Commissioners who seem to think he should not let me, a concerned citizen, continue to quote the discussion of the Water Ordinance at an OPEN, PUBLIC MEETING of the two bodies, illustrating my concerns. I don't believe they were even recognized by the Chair before the sounds came from their direction. Is this the tail wagging the dog? How conversant is the Board with the adopted policies they are supposed to be following?
My intent in quoting from the Roundtable Meeting was to point out that Commissioners Hansen, Cleminson, and Novacek seemingly "forgot" the Board's directive from that meeting at their September 1 Commission meeting. On June 10th, the Board had requested "information, fact-finding, individual opinions from the Commission" so that the Board could "responsibly" consider the input and "be educated" on the topic. But what the three Caballeros did was to move to pass the Ordinance on to the Board for adoption, plain and simple, no report. Commissioner Jennings, supported by Commissioner Barfknecht, had moved to table the vote at least until the minutes from the Special Meeting with the water specialists were complete and approved. WELL, that was voted down 3-2. Commissioner Novacek's motion was then approved 3-2. (Strangely, the VRWJPO Ordinance matter was not even on the Board agenda for their meeting on the 8th.)
Chair Miller indicated that he thought my comments (which he had scarcely heard the start of) were more appropriate "for a public hearing." No, Mr. Miller, I would submit to you that that would be way too late if you, as Board Chair, joined by the other supervisors, are not even going to insist beforehand that the Commission provide what you asked for and which Hansen's motion stated they would do.
Is it really too much to ask that Eureka public officials do what they say they are going to do? Why are some seemingly so uncomfortable at being reminded what they said at a public meeting?
Below are the comments that I had wished to present to the Board:
second ordinance matter I wish to bring before the Board is that of the
Vermillion River Watershed Ordinance. I
speak here as a former Supervisor and a contact person to the VRWJPO. At the June 10th Roundtable meeting between
the Board and the Commission, it was determined that the Planning Commission
would review the Ordinance and report to the Board. When it was raised that a certain
Commissioner felt she would just be out-voted, no matter what she contributes,
Chair Kenny Miller (starting at approximately 1:42:10) stated, "To respond
to one member being out-voted or outweighed, I don't think that there's any
vote or out-vote to happen here. We're
looking for information from the panel.
We, responsibly, should weigh one Commission member's fact-finding with
what is good for the Township, not against each others' comments. I want to get from you as a a
Board, we want to see your individual thoughts so we can weigh them when we
make our decision...I think we need to review each member's position and their [sic] input for our own education. We are
going to depend on you to give us information, whether it is singly or as a
board. [sic] You should view all points of it,
and you may disagree on whether we should or shouldn't do it, but I am asking
you for supporting information, for the pros and cons of this...I would ask
that we look at each of your positions and weigh those positions, the pros and
the cons. We want information in front
of us." Butch Hansen made a motion
(seconded by Cleminson) that the Planning Commssion "take over the VRWJPO
Ordinance review and come back with the information that the Board is
seeking." In the following
discussion, Chair Miller again restated that "We are asking you to be an
information-gathering [body]."
the last Planning Commission meeting:
1. The
minutes from the Special Meeting of August 18th with Zabel, Slavik, and Watson,
were deemed incomplete and were not approved.
Some of the information that was missing from the minutes, for example,
was Brian Watson's statements that Eureka has many more challenges than any
other township in Dakota County.
2. It was stated by Chair Hansen that it was
"clear" to him that the guests that evening wanted the Township to
take over the permitting. It was stated by the guests, more than once, that it
does not make a difference to them who does the permitting. It only matters that the standards are
implemented and enforced. This position
of theirs was clear to me as an audience member.
It was stated and argued incorrectly by Chair Hansen that the Township review
process does not take place side by side with the JPO's review, but, rather,
that their review adds much more time. At
each meeting that I have been at, different residents have had their VRWJPO
letter in hand. I have not heard one of
them complain about time matters. AND,
as it happens, I was the individual who spoke to the JPO after which they
agreed that the Planning Commission could go forward with its review of an
application concurrent with the JPO's review, as long as the Board did not approve anything until it had heard
from the JPO. This information and
Travis Thiel's email confirming all this has been sent out by me thru the clerk
on more than one occasion.
Commissioner Hansen even stated that the Board "didn't care" about the
Township's taking on the Ordinance--only one Supervisor was in attendance at the
meeting all the way thru, he said, and one came a half hour late. Liaison Behrendt said he did care, but that
the meeting was scheduled when he was out of town for a business meeting and he
was not able to attend.
5. Commissoner Novacek made a motion to send the
Ordinance to the Board for it to approve it.
Carrie Jennings moved to table that motion at least until the minutes
from the special meeting were completed and reviewed. Her motion failed in a 3-2 vote. Mr. Novacek's motion passed by a 3-2 vote.
question is:
What's in YOUR medicine cabinet?
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