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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bye-bye bicycles

The Silver Cycling club of Lakeville is being told that they cannot return to Eureka.

Pete Storlie
As you may recall, they had been using the parking lot of the town hall to gather a few times a summer for their evening time trials.

They were using the County Roads and we have no control on whether they cycle there but the current
Board, led by Pete Storlie decided that we would not allow them to use our parking lot.

Butch Hansen
The reason given?  Butch Hansen will be leading the construction of the Township storage building so the parking lot will not be available.

All summer?  To build a garage?  The garage that was supposed to have been built last year?

What's the real reason, guys? Just tired of what you perceive as inconveniences?

Does anyone want to volunteer the parking lot at Highview Church for this club?

1 comment:

  1. My understanding of this community is to encourage and invite outsiders to enjoy this community; hence the Agri-tourism Task Force. The Highview Church parking lot might be a very good alternative. Thank you for the suggestion and for keeping citizens informed.

    It is my understanding also that comments are welcome on this blog and encouraged. I would prefer to read comments that are engaging in an intellectual adult way which might provoke conversation regarding issues, pro and con. It is also important for citizens to be aware of the stance our elected officials are taking. Childish "gutter snipes" should not be allowed. This site should be held to a higher standard than Facebook chatter.


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