Mr. Hansen was not willing to vote "Yes" and abstained. I believe I can speak for many citizens in this Township, thanking those who showed leadership in voting "YES"; having the unbiased integrity, long-term vision and fortitude to realize how crucial it is to engage a professional in decisions that affect everyone in this Township.
I attended the Task Force meeting on Tuesday, January 21.. Sharri Buss was indeed in attendance and appeared pleased to once again be invited to assist Eureka with ordinance and zoning challenges. Chair Cory Behrendt, skillfully and efficiently spent the majority of the meeting bringing the planner up to speed with assistance from other Task Force members. Fritz Frana presented consolidated documents of relevant performance standards obtained through his research. Sharri Buss will utilize the material provided as well as her independent research to present her initial findings to the Task Force at the February 11 meeting.
At this time the Eureka web site is not up to date and Task Force Meeting minutes will not be posted on the web site until an IT person can deem the web site functional. The following is content from the approved January 14 Agri-tourism Task Force Meeting for those who were not able to attend. The January 21 minutes have NOT been approved and are not available at this time.
Task Force members present: Cory Behrendt, Philip Cleminson, Atina Diffley, Butch Hansen, Fredrick Frana, Mark Parranto
Meeting Called to order 7:00 p.m.
Notes submitted by Atina Diffley
Butch made a motion to approve the revised minutes from January 7, 2014. Fritz seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Report on recommendation made to the Board:
- The Board made a motion to have the six present Task Force members continue on as an ordinance committee with a budget of $4,000 for a planner, $1,000 for an attorney and one attorney round table discussion to go over legal questions.
- Butch suggested we could have a workable draft in 5-6 weeks and be able to report on it by the spring Annual Meeting.
- Fritz feels it should take twice as long.
- We should be ready to present something at the Annual Meeting based on the progress we have made at that point.
Butch nominated Cory as Chair of the Agr-itourism ordinance committee and Phil as secretary. Atina Seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
We need to prepare some guidelines on what we want for the planner. Look at the feedback we received from the other planners and the citizens and create a framework.
The committee identified 5 potential categories that agri-tourism activities may fit into.
- Agri-tourism activities allowed under the existing performance standards.
- Agri-tourism activities that need enhanced performance standards.
- Agri-tourism activities that fit into a new category of administrative permit for occasional and low impact activities.
- Agri-tourism activities allowed with an IUP, CUP or appropriate permit.
We need to think about the needs, benefits and impact for the three constituents involved: farmers, neighbors and guests. We have to balance these three and make recommendations based on impact and not emotion. When the public is on the property, there has to be some sort of mechanism to deal with it.
The committee worked through the agri-tourism activities list, discussed the impacts of the activities and captured present thinking on which category each of the activities may fit into. Some areas we are in agreement. Some we are not. Some activities may have two ways of being managed depending on their frequency, scale or permanence.
(I have not included the list of activities and comments indicated in the extensive list; however, the list may be requested from the Task Force secretary). At the January 21 meeting, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Cleminson were quite adamant that a Bed and Breakfast would not be considered.
Personal or political; impact or emotion? I know that the possible use was submitted at the Open House. How lovely would a quaint Country Inn be in this agricultural community amongst other activities which might not be considered. (my comments).
Questions for the Attorney
- Does the Met Council need to be involved?
Phil moved to remove from our list fee-fishing and fee-hunting. Butch seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion was amended to clarify the category to Fee Fishing-Farm Raised Fish and Fee Hunting-Game Farm and keep them on the list. Motion passed.
Fritz will put together a consolidated document of the relevant performance ordinances.
Cory moved to approve Phil to work with the planner in whatever capacity needed to define a scope of work and costs. Atina seconded. Motion passed.
Fritz made a motion to adjourn. Atina seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjourned 9:40
UPCOMING MEETINGS: January 28, February 6- it is possible the Task Force will not meet on this date; check the Townhall posting) February 11 and February 18.
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