First, there are the "permitted uses," those that are allowed as long as they conform to any parts of the Ordinance that are intended to regulate them. Pages 48 and 49 of the Ordinance list eleven different uses and structures that fall into this category. Some people call these "straight" permitted uses.
Another type of allowed or permitted use is a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). It was stated at the Task Force meeting (and then, mercifully, corrected by a couple of other members), that "a CUP is not a permitted use." Yes, it certainly is a permitted use (Ordinance allows it after all!), but is a category of use with the provision for attaching conditions which are deemed needed to mitigate the negative impacts of these types of uses.
Page 49 (use link above) lists eight of these "special" uses that Eureka allows. Although one current Board member took great issue with me in the past when I mentioned the "negative impacts" of certain uses, (He apparently didn't think there was such a thing!) CUPs are for uses that by their very nature may involve such things as greater traffic, noise, and so on. These negative impacts may occur at a greater intensity for conditional uses than those accompanying the "permitted uses" mentioned above. (A school generates more traffic than a residence.) Because of that, the Township is able to place conditions on conditional uses so as to lessen these impacts. These conditions must be related to the negative impact and reasonable.
It is important to note that the Township has, practically speaking, one shot at affixing conditions, and that is when issuing the CUP. After that point, conditions may be applied, but the CUP holder must agree to them. Not always, if ever, a likely scenario.
However, if any already existing CUP is altered, the Ordinance provides another opportunity to attach conditions as if it were for a new CUP. (pages 80 and 81 of the Ordinance)
*A public hearing is required for any CUP to allow for public input. The public has the right to speak at these hearings, unlike at public meetings, where one has the right to observe decisions being made.
*It is also important to note that, since a CUP IS A PERMITTED USE, if the applicant agrees to abide by the related and reasonable conditions proposed by the Township, the Township MUST grant the CUP.
*Another feature of a CUP is that it does not have an expiration date, in the normal course of things.
*It also "runs with the land." If the property is sold, the new owner receives the CUP along with the acreage.
*A CUP cannot be transferred to another piece of property, although this request has been made of Town officials in the past. (The person in question was correctly told "no" by a Planning Commissioner.)
*One last item here, is that there actually are a few CUPs in our Township with no conditions attached at all! Figure that one out!
*Pages 89-83 outline the requirements and procedure for granting CUPs.
The one thing that is noticeably different with an IUP is that it has a sunset date or event. This is most easily seen in the case of gravel mining. A gravel IUP would sunset when the gravel is gone- a sunset event. It may instead have a sunset date for when the gravel might be expected to run out. If the gravel has not all been mined by that date, the IUP could be applied for again, providing the use is still allowed.
I have in an earlier post outlined how I think some of this would apply to Agritourism. (See "The Postman Cometh.") You may be interested to know that the committee has decided to go with the "principal use" and "accessory use" designations at this time. These will be some of the items that you will be asked to give feedback on.
I hope that the explanation above makes things a little clearer for those of you not familiar with these things. Perhaps, feeling a little comfortable with them, one might be more inclined to attend the open house on December 12th, Thursday, 6:30-8:30, at the Town Hall.
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