EUREKA! THE NEWS is a quarterly publication which is mailed to all citizens in Eureka Township. I believe the intent of this publication is to keep the citizens informed and educated on the issues that affect the community. The editor, Jody Arman-Jones, is a long-time citizen of Eureka who has dedicated many hours to insure the accuracy and integrity of the news.
I attended the Public Hearing at the Townhall on September 3 on the issue of Agri-tourism. There were many citizens who spoke regarding the pros and cons of agri-tourism and the process in which the language has been developed. I believe the BLOG has been vigilant in reporting on this issue. I was very interested in a comment reported by a citizen when he was speaking to the Planning Commission. The concerned citizen reminded the Planning Commissioners and audience of the obvious absence of and negligent reporting by the Town Board regarding the Agri-tourism issue asking the question WHY.
Ms. Petter applied for a text amendment to the zoning ordinance to include Agri-tourism in February of 2013. A public hearing was held, the citizen responses and input were quite negative and Ms. Petter withdrew her application. A few members of the Town Board made the decision to pursue the possibility of allowing Agri-tourism in Eureka and Chair Pete Storlie
instructed the Planning Commission to develop language regarding an ordinance to allow agri-tourism. (To familiarize yourselves with the numerous meetings of the Town Board and Planning Commission members regarding this issue read the previous blogs.) It is quite obvious to me that the Agri-tourism issue has been intentionally ignored in EUREKA! THE NEWS publications. In reviewing the past Newsletters, I can find nothing regarding lawsuits, Agri-tourism and issues related to Agri-tourism. WHY? I can find various articles on ROAD ISSUES, CAP X2020, ACCESSORY BUILDING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, BUILDING RIGHT TRANSFER ORDINANCE AMENDMENT UPDATES, WEEDS and other current, useful, educational and timely information which the tax payers have a right to know.
IMPORTANT! Our editor, Jody Arman-Jones, volunteers her time to make this publication possible. She diligently attends meetings to keep current on issues that are relevant to the Township. Jody does not decide what articles will be published and what will be ignored. As the editor, she requests in advance from the Town Board the articles and issues that the Board would like to include which would keep the citizens current and informed. Before publication, Jody submits the draft to the Board for approval and/or corrections, and to include anything that might have been omitted. The Newsletter is edited if necessary according to Board input and then published. Jody takes direction from the Board.
Agri-tourism has been an on-going issue and concern for many months. What member/
members have made the decision to exclude this topic which affects the entire community in negative or positive ways. Is it possible that our editor was asked not to publish this important and controversial issue. If so, I MIGHT then conclude that the information we receive via this publication might be selectively reported for personal agendas. This leads me to believe that the BLOG will continue to be a very good resource for citizen information. CHICAGO STYLE? SOMETHING TO PONDER!
Absolutely right! I have witnessed Jody very pleasantly and ever-so-patiently waiting through long meetings for the newsletter item to come up on the agenda. She repeatedly sends drafts and attempts to solicit input from the Board concerning articles and information for the publication. She is totally at their direction. Knowing her as I do, I am
ReplyDeleteconfident she was aware of the agritourism issue in all its complexity, and I suspect she would have wanted to include this to inform the public. Therefore, I am wondering why it wasn't in the newsletter. The responsibility lies SQUARELY with the BOARD! Why do they include some matters of interest but not others of equal or greater weight and impact to Eureka? Are they being selective according to their personal agendas as intimated above? Wake up, people; hold your Board accountable! They are supposed to represent YOU, all of you. Will they be responsive in the action they take at the Board meeting this coming Monday, September 9th?
You decide.
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ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting! My husband and I have wondered why we had no idea what was going on behind the gates at the Terri Petter place years ago. She posted "Keep Out" signs etc, so it was clear we should not go knocking on her door. But, not reading the Town Board minutes, and relying on the quarterly newsletter for our information, led us to be quite uninformed about the developing neighborhood zoo. It wasn't until someone sent a flier around that we realized what was going on over there.
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