A Sign Which States "Fine For Dumping Garbage" Should Not Be Confused With "It Is Okay To Dump Trash Here."
Most people would not dream of dumping refuse along rivers, ditches, ravines, wooded areas and wetlands. However, illegal trash dumping is increasingly becoming a problem in Eureka. It is against the law to dump trash or large discards in rural ditches and other prohibited areas.
It is becoming common place to find illegal dumping of furniture,tires, carpet, roof materials, wallboard, lumber, construction and demolition debris, tires, electronic equipment, appliances, auto fluids, batteries, mattresses and bags full of trash in our ditches as people prefer not to pay for legal disposal. These are very selfish acts and have created a chronic problem.
The financial burden of cleanup of illegal dumping by uncaring individuals becomes the responsibility of all taxpayers while creating a very aesthetically unpleasing environment. The trash is also a public health hazard and can create public safety problems. One quart of used oil can contaminate a quarter million gallons of water. Many of the items dumped are toxic and can become breeding grounds for mosquitos, rats and animals such as skunks which spread disease and can destroy wildlife habitats.
Each piece of discarded video equipment contains 2-8 pounds of lead and small amounts of other harmful pollutants like mercury and cadmium (MPR News).
Citizens who partake in illegal dumping try to protect themselves from citations by removing identification markings. In spite of attempts to do so, County Officers are successful in tracing the trash back to its owner. In another Minnesota County, a trail camera was used by a property owner which captured a photo of a suspect and his vehicle in the act of dumping trash. Live video and photographs can speak for themselves.
This living room brown couch set was nicely arranged on my property on the South in the wetlands and a garage sale sign was placed next to it; they went beyond ditch dumping. Who do you think paid for this removal? That is correct! Tax payers' $'s at work. Does anyone in Eureka recognize this comfy furniture!
Illegal dumping of waste material, appliances and items mentioned above is a criminal offense.
If you notice anyone disposing of their possessions in a ditch or area on private property
call the Road Supervisors and if possible obtain license plate numbers and description of vehicle.
Road Supervisor: Mark Ceminsky 612-819-1334
Road Supervisor: Pete Storlie 952-469-3668
Dakota County Recycling Zone
3365 Dodd Road
Eagan MN 55122
p: 651-905-4520
web: http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/EnvironmentRoads/RecyclingZone/default.htm
3365 Dodd Road
Eagan MN 55122
p: 651-905-4520
web: http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/EnvironmentRoads/RecyclingZone/default.htm
Yes, I believe I recognize that beauty!