A lot has been going on in Eureka lately!
The ordinances for Subdivision, Housing Rights, and Mining have been reviewed. Open Houses and public hearings have been and are being held for the public. See Township calendarAll-day rain events have done a number on our gravel roads. When that happens, we get potholes. When we get potholes, the roads are graded when they are not frozen! Some have experienced icy conditions. Our weather has been quite variable and even unusual for this time of year. The Road Superintendent, Mark Henry, and the Road Contractor, TJ Grossman, along with the Road Supervisors, Fredlund and Palmquist, are well aware of conditions. The roads are checked frequently. Please be patient as those with road duties try to serve you.
The Township has been experiencing problems with its website. The Deputy Clerk has been working hard to resolve this. Research for other website managers has been ongoing. Be aware that the Township has always met State law requirements regarding posting and publishing various meetings and public hearings. The requirements involve posting on the outside bulletin board at Town Hall and, in the case of public hearings, publishing in the official newspapers for the Township. The posting on our website is done as a courtesy and a convenience; some townships have NO websites! Information regarding the proposed changes for the above ordinance adoption and other items has been posted faithfully by the Clerk. Because of the website problems, its availability has been spotty. The issues have been resolved at this point. Be assured, the Board wants its citizens to be well informed of current happenings.
If you haven't yet, but would like to avail yourself of email notices about meetings, please give the Clerk your email address. This will get to you regardless of any website problems.
The Township has hired a new Clerk/Treasurer named Elizabeth (Liz) Atwater. Liz has been working diligently with past Clerk/Treasurer, Ranee Solis, training and learning the job. Liz has taken training for these positions through the Minnesota Association of Townships. Please stop in and say hi!