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Monday, August 8, 2022


The Eureka application for federal funds for broadband was denied.

The Board met with Ben Blomgren from JTN on August 2 regarding an application for an application for state funds for internet connectivity. The app was due August 4. If this goes through, the Township will be able to use ARPA funds for its share of the project. Keep your fingers crossed! Internet access has been an issue in the Township for a long, long time. We suffer from low density and being close to Lakeville as impediments to getting better service.

The Township has received two more house permit applications. Our beautiful community continues to attract. WELCOME!

When requesting a lot split, there are several factors to consider: 

The minimum lot size of two acres must be met.

If there are structures on the property, all setbacks must be met.

If there is a house on the property, the lot must have 250' width at the location of the house.

All houses must have garages, under the Ordinances. This has affected some recent splits.

If there are ag buildings and houses owned by separate entities, the 250' distance between such structures must be met. The ag building does not have to house animals for this setback; it just has to be an ag building. This requirement is to protect from odors, noise, dust, and other such complaints in this Right to Farm state.

Even if not taxed as ag, and therefore, no ag buildings, any enclosure of animals must be 175' from a neighboring residence.

Space for a primary and a secondary septic must be available.

Road access. New Ordinance language coming up, if enacted, will affect this factor.

Be on the lookout for a message from the Township regarding a Special Town Meeting on September 15th. 

The electorate will be asked to vote on an important issue regarding the ordinances and their enforcement. One must be present to vote; you are not eligible to vote via Zoom on this agenda item. Much more information to follow.