Concerned citizens speak at the Town Board meeting.
At the January14 Town Board meeting 2 very concerned, informed
and conscientious citizens spoke during the Public Input portion
of the meeting offering their opinion and facts addressing the "work
group's" activities regarding the prospect of Commercial/Industrial
zoning in Eureka Township.
The following are comments from the first citizen who addressed
the "work group" activities. I will report the comments from the
2nd citizen in a blog to follow. I believe this is information the
Board and citizens in Eureka should take very seriously.
Statements made at the January 3, 2018, C/I "work group"
Open House should be troubling to residents. Butch Hansen
made the statement "The work group does not need to post their
meeting dates and times at all."
This is concerning when the results of this group may result
in expenditure of additional public money and tax dollars to
Eureka Citizens.
The "work group" met with a TKDA planner a few weeks ago
and instructed her to obtain answers to the following questions:
1. How to change the 2040 Comp Plan.
2. How to make a formal request to the MET Council to connect
to the interceptor line and who will pay for it.
3. How to implement roads and curbs and who will pay for it.
The above questions directly contradict what was asserted
multiple times at the Open House. Why were the residents who
attended the Open House told the "work group" had the answers.
Members of the "work group" stated they had the information,
which they did not, and the Township would be paying for it.
(Butch Hansen also stated at the Open House "He
could guarantee that he can get a letter from the
MET Council stating the Township can connect to
the interceptor).
The Township should not pay for the Planner inquiry; this is
the responsibility of the developer.
I met with Wendy Wulff, a MET Council
Board member, who stated the subject change to the 2040 Comp
Plan would not be allowed. The MUSA line is not going to change
because there is no need to do so in the region. Any need for
change can be accomplished with open land in Lakeville.
To change zoning from Agricultural to Commercial/Industrial
in Eureka Township would require an amendment to the 2040
Comp Plan submitted to and approved by the MET Council.
This is not going to happen.
It was stated multiple times at the Open House that the C/I
zoning change was not something that was necessarily going to
happen, but was simply being explored to determine if the
Township wanted to go in the direction. At the December
Town Board meeting, a member of the "work group" stated
they were going to hold a meeting every week, faster than they
have in the past.
I was "quite surprised" when a member of
the "work group" stated to the Planner that they were moving
forward at an "aggressive rate." The Planner stated she was
NOT optimistic the MET Council would allow for sewer hookup.

The Planner mentioned other options she would look at such as
independently owned and operated companies that would
operate a sewer and water system. Without hesitation, a
"work group" member stated this was a better deal because it
would limit Commercial Development.
However, this would result in tax payer dollars spent that is
apparently not needed and the 2040 Comp Plan amendment would
not be approved by the MET Council.
The possibility of a privately run sewer and water system was
not discussed at the Open House because it was asserted
multiple times that permission would be given by the MET Council
when in fact this is not the case.
I spoke with David Olson, the Commercial
and Economic Development Director for the City of Lakeville.
Mr. Olson stated 1) Lakeville has been approached by a few property
owners on the Eureka Township northern board to be annexed.
They were told "no." 2) The landowners who own the Menasha
building also own the large adjacent property that is in the City
Limits. This is why the City agreed to the annexation which
made sense for Lakeville. 3) Lakeville has plenty land to
develop and do not have a need, desire or infrastructure
to annex Eureka Township in the near future.
I heard there is discussion regarding the possibility of
obtaining a grant for dollars to build a water tower. What
was not addressed is the operative cost to maintain a
water tower which the tax payers in Eureka Township would
get stuck with.
Also, the DNR would have to approve permits by any private
organization. This is not likely due to water issues Lakeville
ran into.
I strongly recommend the Board deny approval of any
expenditures for a Planner or attorney. To further
this inquiry to do so would be a complete waste of tax
payer dollars.
When there is opposition from many citizens and a
potentially great cost to the tax payers in Eureka Township,
the members of the Board should make decisions that are
transparent and beneficial to the majority of the citizens rather
than a few.
(As a citizen in Eureka, I appreciate the efforts and time this citizen
engaged in. I know she attended many meetings in order to obtain
facts to present to the Board and the public which will allow them to
make an informed decision regarding the "work group's"
desire to aggressively pursue Commercial/Industrial zoning
in Eureka Township.)
The above information was obtained from the January 14, 2019,
meeting CD.