MARCH 27th: A meeting was held at Lakeville City Hall regarding the Airport LTCP---Long-Term Comprehensive Plan---Update. Neil Ralston, Airport Planner from MAC, presented the most recent information regarding the airport's future.
There were special meetings of both the PC and the TB called and posted by the Clerk. Commissioner Ralph Fredlund, Sherri Buss, and Commission Chair Nancy Sauber attended. There was not a quorum of the PC, so no "meeting" actually held. Cost for Sherri to attend still accommodated in budget of Boundary Protection Study.The airport is late doing its update and this is currently reflected in Eureka's Comprehensive Plan Update. The communication about this meeting came from Neil Ralston in response to Buss' second reminder of the Eureka Comp Plan review request to all affected jurisdictions.In addition to a PowerPoint presentation, the following comments were made, mostly by Neil Ralston, A.A.E., airport planner:*Do not see the role of the airport changing over the next 20-year period. They want to make improvements so that it can operate more efficiently. Need longer runway for small jets.* Need more apron to park aircraft.* Existing land use "grandfathered in."* In 2008, looked at a 5,000' runway. Would have cost $8-9 million, not including land acquisition costs.* FAA does not want public roads in the protection zones. If move a public roadway, FAA says have to move it out of the protection zone entirely. Some discussion about whether there might be a way around this or not.
*When Cedar Avenue goes to 4 lanes, Cedar could be rerouted or even tunneled under.* Brian Sorenson, P.E., Assistant County Engineer, said County does not see Cedar going to 4 lanes at least through 2030. 20-yr forecasts do not expand it.* If a railroad car is on the railroad tracks it is too high for airport. $5 million to move Railroad is not feasible.* If were to relocate Cedar, it would cost $ 16-20 million, not including land acquisition.* White Point Flight Services says there is a growing demand for business aviation in the south metro. Without increasing the runway, this is not likely to increase at AirLake.
* Slowdown in operations from projections due to 9-11, recession, and high fuel prices.* 2035 forecast of 36-38,000 operations; although about the same as current level of operations, does include more jet traffic, proportionally.*The business/jet traffic would be taking up the slack from the reduction in recreational traffic.* Small prop aircraft is not just recreational. Some are used for business because they are faster and longer range.* MN State Statute-can't expand minor (< 5,000') w/o law.* If AirLake is able to handle more business traffic, businesses would not have to go to Flying Cloud to get passengers and more fuel before going to, say, Kansas City.*Extend runway 270' to NW and 480' to south. The runway will not be used in the same way in both directions; i.e., take-offs and landings. Landings will be about same place as are now. Take-offs could originate from the NW end of the runway as well.* Do not want to study alterations to Cedar Avenue right now.* 225th paved from just before Hamburg east to Cedar. Used terms like "our intent" and "likely" (Gary Schmidt) No firm commitment.* $ 5.5-6 million includes repave runway. Much less than relocating Cedar.
* These improvements will add layers of complexity to airport use and pilots will have to be educated.* FAA will approve with Cedar in same place.* Would like to see Joint Airport Zoning Board with adjacent municipalities.* Tributary to Vermillion River needs to be addressed.* Add red lights on some hangars. They wouldn't be allowed there now.* Clients want more access for hangars in the southern area. The airport hangars are currently full.* There has been some displacement due to number of aircraft in a particular hangar. Could have gone from 3 or 4 down to one.* No restriction on use in industrial park except for one little corner.* Have money. It could happen in 2022, but may not.* 45-day review period during June/July. Notice in local newspapers for Lakeville and Eureka for public comment and questions. Postcards to airport "neighbors." Asked at what distance? Answer-look to Eureka for help with that. Recommended holding one meeting at Eureka Town Hall.*Met Council will review for "consistency."* Need to determine engineering for the relocation of 225th St. W. Dakota County P.E. said they would be willing to work with Township Engineer.* Intend to move 225th 750' south to Cedar and then back north to reconnect with where it is now east of Cedar.
* Mentioned Wat Lao Temple. Is it 750' south of the intersection? They do not want to have to deal with land acquisitions, Mr. Ralston stated.Respectfully submitted to Town Board FYI for its April 10 meeting,Nancy Sauber