The Truth is Out There Someplace!
Attending Town Board and
Planning Commission meetings,
in my opinion, is an important
part of living in a community.
As I spend several hours sitting
through a meeting, I expect to
hear discussions based on facts.
Many times I find I need to do my
homework on issues to sort out
fact from fiction as I experience a
"spin" attached to discussions which can change the outcome
in a negative manner.
"spin" attached to discussions which can change the outcome
in a negative manner.
In particular, at the last two Town Board meetings, the issue of a
proposed annexation of the Airlake Airport property seems to
have morphed into the prospect of Commercial/Industrial (C/I)
zoning within Eureka Township. In particular, there is a push
by a few to "spot zone" four properties on the Northern
by a few to "spot zone" four properties on the Northern
During the Public input period, as well as during Board discussions,
Alan Novacek, Butch Hansen and Mark Parranto were quite
adamant that the only way to keep Airlake from annexation is to
allow C/I zoning.
AlAN NOVACEK: Stated,"I was at the Annual meeting when it was
overwhelmingly voted to proceed with C/I and I do not see it
being promoted." I am also aware that a motion was made
"to direct the Planning Commission to involve language in the
Comprehensive plan." (There is NO such motion in the meeting
recording to direct the Planning Commission to involve language
in the Comprehensive Plan.) Alan went on to say "The Comprehensive
Plan is often used as a tactic by people who do not want to see things
changed. That is paralysis through analysis."
recording to direct the Planning Commission to involve language
in the Comprehensive Plan.) Alan went on to say "The Comprehensive
Plan is often used as a tactic by people who do not want to see things
changed. That is paralysis through analysis."
"Sequencing; in order for the airport to stay in Eureka, we have to
have C/I. In order for that to happen, you have to have the sewer
line and in order for that to happen you have to change the
Comprehensive Plan."
have C/I. In order for that to happen, you have to have the sewer
line and in order for that to happen you have to change the
Comprehensive Plan."
BUTCH HANSEN: "I made the motion at the Annual meeting, I know
what the motion is; get the minutes. Citizens gave the direction at the
Annual meeting as to what to do. Citizens asked you to start a
Commercial Zone up there. The citizens gave the direction; what
have you done? It is pretty frustrating when the direction at the
Annual meeting was to do something. It was overwhelming to continue
ahead with the Commercial zone and not allow Airlake to get annexed.
Needs to be tooken [sic] care of. That is what you (Town Board) were
given direction for at the Annual meeting."
MARK PARRANTO: "The only point I wish to address is you, as
the Board, can write a zoning ordinance that says what industrial
use is or is not. You can write that into the zoning ordinance
and you do not have to designate properties. The airport staying in
Eureka is important and questions by the Board has not pushed hard
for the Joint Powers and get them to say yes or no."
CHAIR BUDENSKI: (Chair Budenski wrote his own ordinance
language without direction from the Board, input from the Planning
Commission or Board discussion and expected the Planning
Commission to hold a public hearing on his drafted ordinance.)
Brian stated at the September Town Board meeting: "Send to the
Planning Commission (his draft ordinance) so we can schedule a
Public Hearing. Why isn't there something in the new
Comprehensive plan that encourages common growth on our
Northern Corridor like the motion that was made at the
Annual meeting? That is what the Board was directed to do
by the citizens. The citizens decided that they wanted a
Commercial zone up there. It ain't that hard to do."
Planning Commission (his draft ordinance) so we can schedule a
Public Hearing. Why isn't there something in the new
Comprehensive plan that encourages common growth on our
Northern Corridor like the motion that was made at the
Annual meeting? That is what the Board was directed to do
by the citizens. The citizens decided that they wanted a
Commercial zone up there. It ain't that hard to do."
After sitting through the last two Town Board meetings, I decided to
take Butch's advice, dig a little deeper, and review the Annual
meeting minutes to confirm the motion made by Butch Hansen.
The motion from the Annual meeting was misrepresented,
not only by the citizens quoted above, but by the Chair of the Board
at the same September Board meeting.
The motion from the Annual meeting was misrepresented,
not only by the citizens quoted above, but by the Chair of the Board
at the same September Board meeting.
There was discussion during the meeting regarding C/I; however,
the "meat" of the discussion was regarding trying to prevent the
annexation of the Airlake airport. Three members from MAC
were present.
annexation of the Airlake airport. Three members from MAC
were present.
Attorney Lemmons stated the following regarding the methods
for annexation allowed under State Statue:
1) Voluntary annexation where both municipalities agree to it. Both
would pass resolutions agreeing to annexation.
2) The owner or all owners of the properties which wish to be
annexed petition to the State to annex the property, but that
petition must be accompanied by a resolution from one of the
municipalities supporting the annexation.
Reviewing the CD provided clarity to the motion made by
Butch Hansen at the Annual meeting which is quoted exactly
as follows:
Butch Hansen: Made a motion "To direct the Board to negotiate
with the Airport Commission and to solicit the Metropolitan to
hook up to the sewer line to the airport and to look into them
to be able to put in a 10 inch well head or whatever they need to
provide themselves water. Does not include negotiating with Lakeville.
with the Airport Commission and to solicit the Metropolitan to
hook up to the sewer line to the airport and to look into them
to be able to put in a 10 inch well head or whatever they need to
provide themselves water. Does not include negotiating with Lakeville.
Do not need to negotiate with Lakeville."
The motion was seconded by Mark Ceminsky.
Attorney Lemmons asked to clarify the motion stating "Negotiate
between the Township and MAC?"
Butch Hansen added "So they can hook up to sewer line."
A roll call vote was taken. Thirty four citizens voted yes and four
voted no.
There was NO MENTION of Commercial/Industrial in the motion. Why
the push now for C/I, and in particular, four specific properties in the
North. It appears a little more "digging"might be in order.

voted no.
There was NO MENTION of Commercial/Industrial in the motion. Why
the push now for C/I, and in particular, four specific properties in the
North. It appears a little more "digging"might be in order.
In case you did not know, there are approximately 1,500 citizens in
Eureka. In my opinion, thirty-eight people is not a stellar representation
of the Eureka citizens and their opinions on this issue.
Eureka. In my opinion, thirty-eight people is not a stellar representation
of the Eureka citizens and their opinions on this issue.
"Oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott
(The above information was taken directly from the recorded minutes of the
March 2016 Annual meeting and the September 16, 2016 Town Board
meeting. A CD copy of both meetings can be obtained from the Township