Update on solar energy:
The Planning Commission met with Sherri Buss, Senior Planner at TKDA, on November 10 during the first of a number of Special Meetings to address this land use.
As you may remember, the Township has enacted a six-month moratorium on commercial solar energy uses. There has been a recent, "sudden" interest in this energy source, but the Township did not have ordinance language in place for it. Solar energy was almost an "afterthought" tacked onto wind energy under the phrase "...and alternative energy." The Board recognized the need for performance standards and so on and followed the Planning Commission recommendation in hiring TKDA to assist the Commission in the study of this issue and the writing of an ordinance. (This is another appropriate use of the professional services escrow that those who attend Annual Meetings or watch the budgetary items will recognize.)

In the meantime, there is a solar energy interim ordinance in place. Residential use applications of a certain size can go forward, except currently they do require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), which includes a public hearing and the costs that go with one. This is due to alternative/solar energy being mentioned only with wind energy in the list of CUPs available. This requirement for a CUP for at least some residential
may change in the future: it is being discussed and contemplated by the Planning Commission.
The Commission is looking at ordinances from other communities. Ms. Buss has worked in this area with other clients and is an excellent resource for Eureka. She has assisted Eureka on other matters in the past and the Planning Commission looks forward to working with her.
The next meeting of the Commission will take place on December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and listen to the discussion.

Further, look for a possible opportunity specifically for informal public input sometime after the holidays. The Commission would like to hear suggestions from you in the earlier stages before getting very far down the road on the draft language.

Ultimately, of course, there will be a pubic hearing on this new draft ordinance. There will not be letters sent, but the Township will follow the legal requirement of posting and publishing the hearing in each of the two official Township newspapers. Please be on the lookout for this in the earlier part of 2016. Your input is welcome and sought.