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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

WHAT IS NEW IN EUREKA?                 


     The Eureka Town Board, during the December Town Board meeting, appointed 
Randy Wood, a resident of Eureka Township for the past 20 years, to fill the position of Commissioner Phil Cleminson who resigned. CONGRATULATIONS Commissioner Wood! 

     Randy is currently a small business owner of 28 years. He has been actively involved in the Township during the past 20 years, attending  Town Board, Planning Commission and Annual Meetings.  Randy served as a member of the Gravel Mining Ordinance Task Force as well as a member on the Eureka Envisioning Task Force.

     Randy stated that "as a member of the Planning Commission he can make a contribution
to the community and ensure that Eureka's ordinances are clear, consistent and applied fairly." He feels strongly that he has the leadership skills necessary to run the business of the local government, listening to all the facts and make fair decisions based on the facts presented. 

     Randy is committed to learning whatever is necessary to carry out the duties of his position and will come to the Commission meetings prepared and with an understanding of the issues.  He is also prepared to apply his knowledge when visiting sites to be discussed when necessary.

     Commissioner Wood, thank you for your willingness to get involved in the political process.
It is important to engage a citizen in the community who will represent the citizens of the east side of the Township as well as the issues and concerns of all Eureka citizens. It is my opinion that you will serve this community with leadership, dignity and integrity.
                                                               Welcome aboard!

Sunday, December 27, 2015



A Good Candidate for Town Board Supervisor possesses:

Critical thinking skills and a willingness to learn, empathy, a leader, communication skills, transparency, ability to spend tax payers money wisely, a genuine compassion for fellow human beings, a desire to engage in the process and the integrity to do what is right even when no one is looking.

Supervisor Kenny Miller's (position #5) three-year term will be open for 
election in 2016. The Candidate filing period for Supervisor position #5 starts on December 29, 2015, 10:00 a.m. through January 12, 2016, at the Eureka Town Hall. Please inquire at the Eureka Town Hall for the January 12 closing time.

                                                        MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK

                                                                     GET INVOLVED!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


We hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!!

Here's a little brain teaser to entertain you while you wait for the gravy to boil!

Use the clues and match to the name of a commonly known Christmas carol or answer a question about a carol. Find answers below.  No peeking!

1. Who is to "lend [his] ear this way?"

2.  Primo Yuletide

3.  Listen to the newspaper spirits warble

4.  Procure a jovial tiny noel

5.  Cutter travel


7.  How many ships came "sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning?"

8.  OHN

9.  It's "Christmas in Killarney" with whom?

10. Quiet eventide

1.  Jolly Old St. Nicholas

2.  The First Noel

3.  Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

4.  Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

5.  Sleigh Ride

6.  Angels We Have Heard On High

7.  Three

8.  Oh, Holy Night

9.  All of the folks at home

10.  Silent Night

Saturday, December 19, 2015


At the last Town Board meeting, the following statement was made by a citizen: "Everybody knows that a fence is not a structure."

Not be contrary, but instead hoping to be informative, let me state that "everybody" would be incorrect. Below is the actual definition of "structure" from our Ordinances:

Anything which is built, constructed, or erected; an edifice or building of any kind; or any piece of work artificially built up and/or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner whether temporary or permanent in character. Among other things, structures include but are not limited to buildings, gazebos, decks, retaining walls, walls, fences, and swimming pools. (Resolution 59, 8-13-2007)

As you can see, "structure" is not synonymous with "building," which I believe is perhaps the common misunderstanding--- based on years of observation at Eureka meetings. "Buildings" are actually a subset of "structures." Another way I think of it is that structures are man-made. A tree is not a structure, but a sign is a structure.

Understand that not all structures need building permits. A building of a certain smaller size (less than 120 sq. ft.) does not. A fence of a certain lower height (less than 7') does not. A Keystone flowerbed does not, no matter the size.

Since the definition of structure references "whether temporary or permanent in character," let's address that aspect as well.

Over the years, I have heard many discussions and comments at Town meetings to the effect that "temporary" means "portable." Thus, the thinking goes, if, for example, your sign is portable--on wheels perhaps--it is temporary and does not need a permit. Other than the exempt signs listed in the Ordinances, signs DO need a permit and further, need to be securely anchored to the ground. That is the reason for the Building Official to inspect the sign; to make sure it is not a hazard to the public in circumstances such as a storm.

In Commission and Board discussions with Building Officials over the years, it has come to light that "temporary" is really referring to fewer than 180 days, and thus not taxable. A roadside stand in place over the summer for the sale of vegetables is a good example of a temporary structure.

Something like a house which probably everyone understands as "permanent" and attached to the ground, as well as taxable, is clearly not temporary. Even though it won't last forever and could be moved from the site.

Hypothetically, a storage building in place on a property for several years and that is of a size to require a building permit-greater than 120 sq. ft.--but is on wheels and thus portable, is not temporary, but is permanent. It also needs to be anchored to the ground as does an advertising sign. Putting it on wheels does not exempt one from a building permit.

I hope this "settles structures"

And here is a settlement with structures, as promised in headline!

Friday, December 4, 2015


The Planning Commission met with Sherri Buss this last Wednesday night. Draft ordinance language for residential solar use was addressed. On January 12th at 7:00 p.m., the Commission will consider commercial uses.

The Commission is planning to provide some time at the beginning of the February Special Meeting (yet to be scheduled) for input from you, should you have some you would like to offer. The draft solar ordinance will be on the Township's website page; residential now, then commercial after the January meeting. If this is something that interests you, please read and consider the draft.

The idea for the start of the February special meeting is to hear from the public in the earlier stages BEFORE it goes to a public hearing, as well as AT the public hearing when that is scheduled. After all, we work for you!

The next chapter in the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 2, "Natural, Agricultural and Cultural Resources," was revised. At the January 12th meeting, the Commission will work with Sherri on Chapter 3, "Land Use." We are making good progress so far and hope to continue.

Also coming up is a public hearing in January right before the Planning Commission regular meeting on the 4th. The topic is a draft sump pump ordinance. Discharge from such pumps is addressed.

                            TIME FLIES WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


The Holidays are here, but your Planning Commission works on!

December 2nd, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Special Meeting


1) Work on Comprehensive Plan Update-including Chapter 2.  Due to Met Council by the end of 2018, but we are ON it! Sherri Buss, TKDA, providing professional assistance.

2) Work on Solar Ordinance, starting with residential which should be simpler to address than commercial. Sherri Buss providing professional assistance again.

Open Meeting, of course, all welcome! "Your tax dollars at work!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2015



Friday, November 13, 2015


Update on solar energy:

The Planning Commission met with Sherri Buss, Senior Planner at TKDA, on November 10 during the first of a number of Special Meetings to address this land use.

As you may remember, the Township has enacted a six-month moratorium on commercial solar energy uses. There has been a recent, "sudden" interest in this energy source, but the Township did not have ordinance language in place for it. Solar energy was almost an "afterthought" tacked onto wind energy under the phrase "...and alternative energy." The Board recognized the need for performance standards and so on and followed the Planning Commission recommendation in hiring TKDA to assist the Commission in the study of this issue and the writing of an ordinance. (This is another appropriate use of the professional services escrow that those who attend Annual Meetings or watch the budgetary items will recognize.)

In the meantime, there is a solar energy interim ordinance in place. Residential use applications of a certain size can go forward, except currently they do require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), which includes a public hearing and the costs that go with one. This is due to alternative/solar energy being mentioned only with wind energy in the list of CUPs available. This requirement for a CUP for at least some residential may change in the future: it is being discussed and contemplated by the Planning Commission.

The Commission is looking at ordinances from other communities. Ms. Buss has worked in this area with other clients and is an excellent resource for Eureka. She has assisted Eureka on other matters in the past and the Planning Commission looks forward to working with her.The next meeting of the Commission will take place on December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and listen to the discussion.

Further, look for a possible opportunity specifically for informal public input sometime after the holidays. The Commission would like to hear suggestions from you in the earlier stages before getting very far down the road on the draft language.

Ultimately, of course, there will be a pubic hearing on this new draft ordinance. There will not be letters sent, but the Township will follow the legal requirement of posting and publishing the hearing in each of the two official Township newspapers. Please be on the lookout for this in the earlier part of 2016. Your input is welcome and sought.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


DOES ARCHIE BUNKER LIVE IN EUREKA???  One might think so of late!

I refer to what I consider to be a blatant attempt (once again!) to shut down this blog and silence its voices. Evidently, what is written here can be annoying or irritating to certain individuals. (Sometimes, the truth can be like that!) The latest incident involves attorney question(s) asked by now-former Commissioner Cleminson. I addressed the Board on this issue at its October meeting.

I say blatant attempt "once again" as it is my understanding that a now-former Board Supervisor also tried twice, two months in a row, not very long ago to put the item, "Shut Down The Blog," on the Board's regular meeting agenda, but was advised that this was not appropriate or even doable. Seems there is a little thing called The First Amendment! For that person who did not "get" this, that means that, generally, government cannot shut down speech. At least not in these United States of America! The Township is a Local Government Unit and cannot constitutionally tell us we can or cannot post on this blog or whether we can or cannot even HAVE a blog. What part of Free Speech don't you understand, I wonder?!

Since those attempts on the Board level were fruitless, I believe that the possible citizens behind these efforts decided to give it one more try after a recent posting that perhaps made them "uncomfortable." Hence, Mr. Cleminson's inquiry, in my opinion.

His question apparently had to do with "quoting draft minutes" on this blog-- was this permissible, and, evidently, were any laws being broken since one blogger is a Planning Commissioner and another is a Board Supervisor. I have to say "apparently" and "evidently" as the questions asked and how they may have been framed or even slanted were never revealed.

Interestingly, Cleminson was one of three Commissioners on an earlier Commission who seemed to insist that no feedback would be willingly accepted by them from any professional or outside source--for example, from Brian Watson of the SWCD or Travis Thiel of the VRWJPO--unless accompanied by the precise questions which were asked resulting in that information. This was directed mainly in my opinion at then-Commissioner Jennings who had this "nasty habit" of asking professionals for input to assist the Township. Now, I agree that the framing of a question CAN certainly affect an answer to it, but this "outside" input did not seem welcomed by those three Commissioners, as it appeared to me. I saw it as a lack of trust, even at a low threshold.

So the courtesy that he asked for from others in the past was not afforded by Cleminson in the present to the Board or the Commission who were copied on the response.

At least Cleminson did receive an okay as required from Attorney Contact Kenny Miller to speak to the attorney, ostensibly about a fence ordinance Cleminson was to be working on. (You may recall three phone calls then-Supervisor Ceminsky made to the attorney all on his own. See earlier blog.) By his own admission, Supervisor Miller said he may not have been too clear on exactly what Cleminson was cleared to talk to the attorney about. Hmmmmm...

In response, I stated to the Board that I do not "quote draft minutes" on the blog. Mainly, I work from memory. But even more to the point, it wouldn't matter if I had. Apparently, it was alleged that this looks like some are getting "preferential treatment" just by having the draft minutes. But, at the June 8, 2015, Board meeting, I brought up the posting of draft minutes on the website as a service to the citizens so that they could keep up with Township happenings in a more timely fashion. Some in our government, past and present, have been reluctant to do this, but it just so happens that draft minutes--in fact, even the Clerk's notes taken at a meeting--are public information. Supervisor Behrendt moved and Supervisor Jennings seconded that the Clerk post the draft minutes on the website as soon as they are complete. This passed unanimously. So, if posted and available to all once complete, how is anyone being given" preferential treatment" regarding these minutes? If Cleminson had attended that meeting or at least read the minutes, he would have been aware of this development.

Regarding the recording discs, those are available to the public from the time of the specific meeting recorded up until such time as those minutes are approved, when the disc is then destroyed under Eureka's retention schedule filed with the State. No "preferential treatment" there either, it would seem.

Further, the Open Meeting Law was amended, effective January 2015, specifically to say that persons on a public body using social media for exchanges with the general public are not in violation of this law. In other words, this blog is exempt from the Open Meeting Law!

                                 Remember him?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

EUREKA NEWS! NOTICE                                                              

Notice is Hereby Given: The Planning Commission of Eureka Township will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 19 2015, in the Eureka Town Hall located at 25043 Cedar Ave., beginning at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an application by Karla Schrader and Merlin Leine for a Conditional Use Permit to install a residential solar energy system at 24698 Cedar Avenue.

Such persons desiring to speak in regard to this matter will be heard at this hearing.

Mira Broyles
Eureka Township
Posting Date 10-6-15

     Phil Cleminson, Planning Commission member, turned in his resignation to the Planning Commission at the Monday, October 5, 2015, Planning Commission meeting. The resignation will be addressed at the Tuesday, October 13, 2015, Town Board meeting.

     The Eureka Town Board Ordinance 2, Chapter 3, Section 2 and 3 states the following:

    " Notification of all upcoming openings on the Planning Commission shall be made 
public. Commission members shall be appointed from among persons in a 
position to represent the general public interest. Geographic dispersion should be 
considered as part of the appointment process. No person shall be appointed 
with private or personal interests likely to conflict with the general public interest. 
If any Member shall find that the Member’s private or personal interests are 
involved in any manner coming before the Commission, the Member shall    
disqualify himself from taking part in action from the matter, or the Member may 
be disqualified by the Chairperson of the Commission. 
The term of Commission Members shall be three (3) years beginning on May 1 
and ending on April 30 three (3) years after."
     "The Town Board shall fill such vacancies within 60 days for the unexpired term of the original appointment."


Tuesday, October 6, 2015


     A few weeks ago I was enjoying coffee and lunch in a downtown Lakeville coffee shop.
I was approached by a citizen from Eureka and asked if I would mind if he joined me for a few minutes.  Of course, I always look forward to chatting with citizens in my community and asked him to do so. 
     His conversation begin with a statement "why can't we all just get along in Eureka?"
I suggested that it might not be that complicated if citizens were willing to respect their neighbors, follow our ordinances and support the positive and legitimate activities that will
enhance our community; perhaps a sense of harmony would follow.

   My table guest suggested that the local leaders, "since they have their own agendas anyway, could turn their heads for others and not follow the letter of the law as strictly as they might believe is required." I remembered the behavior of this fellow when he attended a Town Board meeting which involved neighbor's concerns and possible questionable activities on the property.  After a discussion engaged in by all parties, the property owner sat down behind the neighbors, leaned forward and said something along the lines of "it's a good thing that you are both old because you will die before me and I can then enjoy my property." TRUST ME, this type of behavior will NOT create harmony in this community.
     I have attended most Town Board and Planing Commission meetings. In my opinion, there seems to be a handful of citizens in this community who attend meetings with the intent to
harass/insult local officials, at times bright and strong women with exceptional leadership qualities. This community has strong leadership in both men and women; their willingness to sacrifice and dedicate their time and expertise should be applauded and appreciated. The pay scale is not what attracts candidates.  In my opinion, there should be a belief that with hard work and a commitment to do what is best for the majority of the citizens in this community, we will emerge as a Township that is prosperous, offers a sense of peaceful living and a beautiful and safe environment to raise children.

     Engaging Eureka In Government is a blog that was developed with the intention of informing citizens of issues and activities within the Township. The majority of citizens, with their busy lives, are not able to attend Planing Commission and Town Board meetings, nor are they able to listen to a CD copy of the minutes for details. Minutes of the meetings are posted on the Eureka Township website after they are discussed, approved, etc.
by the Town Board and Planning Commission at the next month's meeting. The blog might include information regarding issues discussed, approved etc. at Town Board and Planning Commission meetings. Also, the blog offers opinions submitted by the writer which might include personal opinions or details that are not elaborated on in the Township meeting minutes.

     It has been brought to my attention that a few citizens in this Township
have tried, on more than one occasion, to "shut down" the blog.  The citizens trying to shut down the blog (in the last couple years) were in leadership positions when they allegedly/reportedly did so. They have gone as far as to try to involve the Township attorney. I would like to remind the obstructionists and those who might feel threatened by the content of the blog, that Freedom of Speech, the right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without the fear of government retaliation or censorship, IS PROTECTED by the First Amendment.

     Yes, I believe the citizens in Eureka can come together to promote community harmony.
The spirit of the community can be enhanced by welcoming new neighbors, introducing them to the Town Hall facility and staff, the website and community leaders and engaging them in the process of resolving community issues. Citizens need to have reasons to be excited about living in Eureka. Respecting the local ordinances, local government officials and neighbors can go a long way to promote community spirit and the health and well- being of its citizens.


Monday, September 21, 2015


You remember the saying: It takes all kinds to make a world? I've never been so sure that we need all kinds to make a world, just that they probably do exist in this world. No matter what, I believe that many kinds of people can work together to make the world a better place.

Believe me, many kinds were represented at a recent Planning Commission meeting:

Person A: Came in for accessory building permit. He had obviously been to the website and had followed directions there to draw a totally complete site plan. Thank you! Smooth process

Persons B and C: Didn't include the required site plan when their accessory building application was turned in, but they were informed of this ahead of the meeting, and they appeared with a complete site plan. Great working with you!! Smooth process.

Persons D and E: Hi, how are you? Have seen a lot of you lately! Thank you for coming back in one more time as directed by Town Board for approval of your amended building plans. No problem; very pleasant. Smooth process.

Persons F and G: "G" is there representing an absent party. Person F is agreeable and polite throughout/despite what followed. Thank You!

However, almost right away, Person H in audience (related to F?!!) loudly and repeatedly (and not very politely) speaks out without being recognized by Chair, rambles on, and finally ends with a pointed "What's your problem?" No problem here; please wait to be recognized by the Chair before you speak and please let us (the Planning Commission) go through our process. Then Person G speaks out of turn to the attorney in what I consider a disrespectful tone. "G" is informed that he is out of order as he was not recognized by Chair. It goes on in kind from there. Not such a smooth process. But at least Person F has his application forwarded to the Board for approval.


Persons I and J; J is representing I. Both apparently start out presuming ill will on part of Chair. (Chair had a couple days earlier come across these two individuals at Town Hall and took time to try to calmly explain the new process and new Ordinance to them, correcting faulty advice already given to them.) Why "apparently presuming ill will?" As soon as Chair says something that they think contradicts what they thought they had heard earlier and understood, I and J start actually shouting at the Chair, making personal remarks and are joined by Person G from above, also shouting, also making personal remarks.

Okay, how smooth do you think this process was? Not smooth at all! In spite of what I can only call personal attacks, Person I had his application forwarded to the Board for approval. When told that the Chair, who seconded the motion, didn't really appreciate his coming in and talking the way he did (following Person J's lead?), Person I at least had the good grace to apologize and sound as though he meant it.

Considering that Persons G and J were among the individuals who were instrumental in the recent what I have heard some call "The Eureka Witch Hunt" directed (ineffectively) against then-Commissioner Jennings, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.

NEWS FLASH: It is no skin off the Planning Commission's noses to recommend approval on something that you are entitled to under the Ordinances! We are there to assist you in the process. The Commission does have an obligation to the entire Township to go through all reviews thoroughly and make sure that all zoning ordinances are followed correctly. That entails checking and re-checking the Ordinances and each and every application to be sure that nothing is being missed. We try to go through the process in a methodical, step-by-step manner. That's our job. We do this for everyone and try to be fair and even to each, thus being fair to all.

Eureka is a small community. Wouldn't we all like to live in peace and harmony by the rules that we, as a community, have agreed to by a public process? Surely, people can meet each other half-way in a civil manner. I would think it is in anyone's interests to act in such a manner. What does one gain by treating people poorly, I wonder? Indeed, there is an adopted Township policy that defines what is acceptable behavior at meetings. I don't think this is too much to expect. Ask yourself: Which people above would you like to work with or even be present in the audience for when they came up? Probably not too hard to decide.