The Township Clerk is responsible for preparing the information packets for all of the Commissioners
a few days before the meeting for their preparation in addressing issues. Because there was no Clerk, what information was given to the Commissioners by Chair Hansen was during the meeting, which made it difficult to address the printed agenda items. At the Town Board special meeting on July 1, Commissioner Novacek was asked by the Board to contact Commissioner Hansen and let him know of the partial Planning Commission agenda drawn up by the Clerk before she left. Commissioner Hansen was to have completed the agenda and have copies of the materials for the meeting.
Westwind School representatives came before the Commission requesting a "temporary building"
to be utilized as a classroom throughout the school year as plans for additional space and code issues
Alan Storlie came before the Commission for clarification regarding transfer of a building right and grandfathered lots. Commissioner Jennings suggested the information Chair Hansen had be shared with all Commission members in order allow them to be a part of the discussion rather than the Chair having a "private conversation" with Mr. Storlie. Commissioners Jennings, Hansen and Barfknecht discussed the above information with Mr. Storlie utilizing the appropriate Township maps. Commissioners Novacek and Cleminson did not participate. Mr. Storlie was not on the agenda which was Chair Hansen's responsibility in the absence of a Clerk. Commissioner Jennings suggested that Mr. Storlie be officially added to the agenda for the official recorded record. Mr. Storlie was asked to attend the Town Board meeting the following Monday for further discussion.
A citizen spoke with Mr. Storlie when he was ready to leave the Town Hall to offer information regarding questions and concerns about his (Leine) properties.She had raised her hand prior to the end of the Commission discussion, Commissioner Hansen refused to allow her to speak. She spoke with Mr. Storlie because she had been the attorney liaison on the Town Board for the Leine issue in question. Supervisor Madden, the liaison to the Planning Commission, was quick and curt in stating "Mr. Chair, I am trying to concentrate on the meeting." Chair Hansen (boisterously) stated "Yah well, you deal with her." Mr. Storlie and the citizen moved outside the meeting area. (Supervisor Madden added the incident to the Town Board agenda to be discussed. What was his point? Is he not aware that there is a Town Board input policy that addresses this?)
Living Waters Church representatives were present to discuss their permit application and address inspection issues. The Township Commercial Building Inspector weighed in on the discussion with comments regarding the Commercial Code and felt the application "looked good." The permit application was reviewed and passed on to the Board for discussion and approval.
Town Board liaison, Supervisor Madden, reported to the Planning Commission. He stated that Mr. Joey Miller has a misunderstanding and that "everything was not going well with him, I don't think." He reported that the Enright Airplane Hangar is "moving along, going well." "Most permits were passed; 2 were missing; we did not pass. The permits that did not go through were Joey Miller and Dan Adelmann." Supervisor Madden went on that the new on-site mailbox " has been installed and works. The address is being worked on. The clerk position is totally unknown. Might have one the end of the next 6 months, hopefully. I don't know but it is soon. Very qualified applicants." On the Power line update he said - "working on ditches and they (GRE) are making bigger problems than we had before. The signs have not come down yet and we are discussing keeping the bond as they are not cooperating with us." Road Contractor "Otte is the new road contractor," Madden stated,"which............. No Comment." A question was asked as to what happened to the previous road contractor. Chair Hansen stated that the contract was up in July. He (Mark Henry) would not sign the new contract. Madden stated "I (Madden) know the reason, but it does not matter." They (Town Board) picked one of two applicants. IT Issues - Supervisor Madden reported the Township " has computer problems, but Supervisor Behrendt is working on it." Then Chair Hansen asked what happened to the IT Company the Township had hired. Madden stated that "he had no idea; Cory (Supervisor Behrendt) is taking care of all of that."
Commissioner Jennings commented that copies of permits from the Building Inspector were to have been distributed to Planning Commission members by Supervisor Ceminsky ahead of the meeting.This did not happen. Liaison Madden stated, "I don't know; we had an idiot sitting in during the week (at the Town Hall). He does not have a key to the office or anything." (The issue is now resolved as the Town Board hired a Clerk at their July 14 meeting.)
Liaison Madden "wanted to pay the Town Board a compliment from him personally (for) trying to set things a little quieter with 'somebody,' because it really turned out well as some things that were being said were really outlandish."
Supervisor Novacek wanted to "discuss E-mail Protocol. E-mails normally go through the Clerk and are then distributed according to the policy." He stated that this had not been followed by Commissioner Jennings on Watershed information and he asked her why. (Is Commissioner Novacek setting up the "Gotcha Moment?")
Commissioner Jennings explained to Commissioner Novacek (about three times) that at the Round Table Meeting she had offered to reach out to Travis Thiel of the VRWJPO requesting information to be distributed to all Planning Commission members to utilize as they researched the possibility of the Township implementing and enforcing the VRWJPO Ordinance. Mr.Thiel indicated a web site link. Commissioner Jennings felt passing on the web site link was not a violation of any protocol or Open Meeting Law as it was an information request. At the Round Table Meeting, Chair Miller had approved and no one objected. Commissioner Jennings indicated that she was only doing homework on the Commission's behalf and resented Mr. Novacek's accusation of impropriety. He commended Commissioner Jennings on her abilities but "feels her ability is not always used in the way that he thinks is constructive. The e-mail is one of those." He felt the e-mail "was not sent as a mistake," but was a "willful, in your face, I am not going to follow policy and this is DANGEROUS!" (This is the same Commissioner who has in the past stated that he believes Eureka government is too intrusive and that citizens should be able to do what they want to.)
Commissioner Jennings stated that she had indicated at the Round Table Meeting that the Commission needed the documents to proceed in their research of the VRWJPO Ordinance. Supervisor Miller had supported her and asked for a copy. She had tried to download documents that evening but there were IT problems during the Meeting and she was unable to do so. The following day Commissioner Jennings had contacted Travis Thiel and he sent the information link to her. She followed the correct procedure and sent the information to the Town Hall to be distributed to all Commission members. The mailer-daemon returned the e-mail. (This reporter also sent an e-mail to the Town Hall and the e-mail request was returned stating " Auto-response. At this time we are unable to respond to e-mail messages until July 15." This was because there was no Clerk to respond to requests. In my opinion, Commissioner Jennings distributed the information to the Commissioners in the most appropriate manner available to her.) Commissioner Jennings explained to Novacek that she showed the returned e-mail to Supervisor Miller and that "he said it was okay to distribute given the circumstance." (Apparently, Commissioner Novacek could not let it go. He appeared to continue to badger Commissioner Jennings.) He stated, "the policy was made to prevent sending e-mails that are biased." (Why is sending a web site link biased?) Chair Hansen stated that it was "very plain and clear that e-mails were not to be sent without going through the Clerk. He stated he had documents that he wanted to distribute but he did not do that because there was no Clerk. "Instead I brung them with me tonight." Carrie stated that he had brought them but he did not distribute them to the Commission. Chair Hansen questioned why Mr. Miller had had a discussion with Commissioner Jennings and not with him as Commission Chair.
Pressing on, Commissioner Novacek asked Commissioner Jennings, "so from now on are you saying you will send an e-mail to anyone you feel like or are you going to follow the policy?" (Novacek did not ask any other Commissioner if they were going to follow the policy. This exchange started to feel like an interrogation of Jennings.) Novacek said "again in the future are you going to follow policy?" Supervisor Jennings asked Commissioner Novacek if he is the Chair stating "I do not feel that you have any authority greater than I do on this Planning Commission." Commmissioner Novacek stated, "You do not have to answer if you don't want to." Commissioner Jennings stated she would not answer.(Remember that "rabbit hole," Al, when you publicly and falsely accused Commissioner Barfknecht and Clerk Sandstrom of improprieties? See Blog, Alice (Al Is?) Down the Rabbit Hole? 10/06/2013?). Commissioner Novacek stated that he would like to make a motion. He was interrupted by loud laughter from Chair Hansen who then stated (sarcastically) to Commissioner Jennings, "I don't know if anyone has authority greater than yours."
VRWJPO ORDINANCE was discussed by the Commission. Commissioner Jennings questioned the appropriateness of discussing the issue when they had not received information prior to the meeting. Because of this they were unable to come prepared and she suggested they table the agenda item until they had reviewed the information. Chair Hansen stated that "they" were tasked by the Board to do research to see how difficult or possible it is to "take this back." Commissioner Jennings asked for clarification for the record as to what "take this back" meant. Eureka had not adopted the ordinance at any point so there was nothing to "take back." Chair Hansen stated that he meant "policing" the Water Resource Management Ordinance. (Policing? Really? I thought the Township would do the review, permitting and enforcement.) Commissioner Jennings stated that she was a part of the Dakota County group who met with Mr. Dean Johnson to help develop the ordinance language. The Township declined to adopt the ordinance language. Chair Hansen stated "let me make it real clear to you so you can understand it. At the Round Table Meeting, the Board asked us to be the researching body to do research on whether or not we (PC) should take this and adopt it." For clarification Commissioner Jennings reiterated "to adopt this ordinance." Chair Hansen stated " this the last time I am going to play the game with you." (In my opinion Commissioner Jennings was only asking for precise language to be reflected in the legal record of the meeting.)
Three of the Planning Commission members agreed to invite the current enforcement authority to attend a Planning Commission meeting to explain how the VRWJPO enforces the ordinance. Commissioner Novacek was opposed and Chair Hansen abstained.
Commissioner Cleminson made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Novacek. It was then agreed that Brian Watson, of the Soil and Water Conservation District, would also be invited to attend. This motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jennings suggested a deadline for the Commissioners to read the ordinance in preparation for their next discussion as the Commissioners cannot agree or disagree to enforce the ordinance if they have not read it. Chair Hansen stated "if you want to read it, read it. I don't think you have the authority to tell the rest of us to do anything with it." He then restated his position that he would not tell everyone they would have to read it;" they do not need a Mom." Chair Hansen then asked everyone to read the ordinance language.
The meeting was adjourned. (Following the meeting I heard Chair Hansen make a statement to Commissioner Jennings."Remember, you are not Chair anymore; you lost that vote." I left the meeting wondering if the Chair is frustrated perhaps because of a lack of command of the language or lack of knowledge regarding the issues. I wonder does he feel the need to diminish the knowledge that Commissioner Jennings has to share based on her relationship to and involvement on issues? In my opinion the treatment of Commissioner Jennings was childish, disrespectful, condescending and at times tinged with bullying and badgering. Perhaps knowledge, experience and preparation by some can only be recognized as arrogance by those with less knowledge and ability. Citizens have a right to attend meetings and observe business conducted with respect.)

A follow up note to ponder - Three Planning Commission members submitted complaints regarding Commissioner Jennings. Coincidence? Was there a mutual meeting and discussion outside of public view to come to the conclusion that complaints were justified? Commissioner Barfknecht was not one of the complainants. A special meeting will be held by the Town Board to discuss the complaints with Commissioner Jennings present.
Information was gleaned from an Audio/visual taping. A CD copy of the meeting can be obtained from the now current Township Clerk.
Living Waters Church representatives were present to discuss their permit application and address inspection issues. The Township Commercial Building Inspector weighed in on the discussion with comments regarding the Commercial Code and felt the application "looked good." The permit application was reviewed and passed on to the Board for discussion and approval.
Town Board liaison, Supervisor Madden, reported to the Planning Commission. He stated that Mr. Joey Miller has a misunderstanding and that "everything was not going well with him, I don't think." He reported that the Enright Airplane Hangar is "moving along, going well." "Most permits were passed; 2 were missing; we did not pass. The permits that did not go through were Joey Miller and Dan Adelmann." Supervisor Madden went on that the new on-site mailbox " has been installed and works. The address is being worked on. The clerk position is totally unknown. Might have one the end of the next 6 months, hopefully. I don't know but it is soon. Very qualified applicants." On the Power line update he said - "working on ditches and they (GRE) are making bigger problems than we had before. The signs have not come down yet and we are discussing keeping the bond as they are not cooperating with us." Road Contractor "Otte is the new road contractor," Madden stated,"which............. No Comment." A question was asked as to what happened to the previous road contractor. Chair Hansen stated that the contract was up in July. He (Mark Henry) would not sign the new contract. Madden stated "I (Madden) know the reason, but it does not matter." They (Town Board) picked one of two applicants. IT Issues - Supervisor Madden reported the Township " has computer problems, but Supervisor Behrendt is working on it." Then Chair Hansen asked what happened to the IT Company the Township had hired. Madden stated that "he had no idea; Cory (Supervisor Behrendt) is taking care of all of that."
Commissioner Jennings commented that copies of permits from the Building Inspector were to have been distributed to Planning Commission members by Supervisor Ceminsky ahead of the meeting.This did not happen. Liaison Madden stated, "I don't know; we had an idiot sitting in during the week (at the Town Hall). He does not have a key to the office or anything." (The issue is now resolved as the Town Board hired a Clerk at their July 14 meeting.)
Liaison Madden "wanted to pay the Town Board a compliment from him personally (for) trying to set things a little quieter with 'somebody,' because it really turned out well as some things that were being said were really outlandish."
Supervisor Novacek wanted to "discuss E-mail Protocol. E-mails normally go through the Clerk and are then distributed according to the policy." He stated that this had not been followed by Commissioner Jennings on Watershed information and he asked her why. (Is Commissioner Novacek setting up the "Gotcha Moment?")
Commissioner Jennings stated that she had indicated at the Round Table Meeting that the Commission needed the documents to proceed in their research of the VRWJPO Ordinance. Supervisor Miller had supported her and asked for a copy. She had tried to download documents that evening but there were IT problems during the Meeting and she was unable to do so. The following day Commissioner Jennings had contacted Travis Thiel and he sent the information link to her. She followed the correct procedure and sent the information to the Town Hall to be distributed to all Commission members. The mailer-daemon returned the e-mail. (This reporter also sent an e-mail to the Town Hall and the e-mail request was returned stating " Auto-response. At this time we are unable to respond to e-mail messages until July 15." This was because there was no Clerk to respond to requests. In my opinion, Commissioner Jennings distributed the information to the Commissioners in the most appropriate manner available to her.) Commissioner Jennings explained to Novacek that she showed the returned e-mail to Supervisor Miller and that "he said it was okay to distribute given the circumstance." (Apparently, Commissioner Novacek could not let it go. He appeared to continue to badger Commissioner Jennings.) He stated, "the policy was made to prevent sending e-mails that are biased." (Why is sending a web site link biased?) Chair Hansen stated that it was "very plain and clear that e-mails were not to be sent without going through the Clerk. He stated he had documents that he wanted to distribute but he did not do that because there was no Clerk. "Instead I brung them with me tonight." Carrie stated that he had brought them but he did not distribute them to the Commission. Chair Hansen questioned why Mr. Miller had had a discussion with Commissioner Jennings and not with him as Commission Chair.
" Jerry Springer?" "No it is a Township meeting." |
VRWJPO ORDINANCE was discussed by the Commission. Commissioner Jennings questioned the appropriateness of discussing the issue when they had not received information prior to the meeting. Because of this they were unable to come prepared and she suggested they table the agenda item until they had reviewed the information. Chair Hansen stated that "they" were tasked by the Board to do research to see how difficult or possible it is to "take this back." Commissioner Jennings asked for clarification for the record as to what "take this back" meant. Eureka had not adopted the ordinance at any point so there was nothing to "take back." Chair Hansen stated that he meant "policing" the Water Resource Management Ordinance. (Policing? Really? I thought the Township would do the review, permitting and enforcement.) Commissioner Jennings stated that she was a part of the Dakota County group who met with Mr. Dean Johnson to help develop the ordinance language. The Township declined to adopt the ordinance language. Chair Hansen stated "let me make it real clear to you so you can understand it. At the Round Table Meeting, the Board asked us to be the researching body to do research on whether or not we (PC) should take this and adopt it." For clarification Commissioner Jennings reiterated "to adopt this ordinance." Chair Hansen stated " this the last time I am going to play the game with you." (In my opinion Commissioner Jennings was only asking for precise language to be reflected in the legal record of the meeting.)
Three of the Planning Commission members agreed to invite the current enforcement authority to attend a Planning Commission meeting to explain how the VRWJPO enforces the ordinance. Commissioner Novacek was opposed and Chair Hansen abstained.
Commissioner Cleminson made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Novacek. It was then agreed that Brian Watson, of the Soil and Water Conservation District, would also be invited to attend. This motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Jennings suggested a deadline for the Commissioners to read the ordinance in preparation for their next discussion as the Commissioners cannot agree or disagree to enforce the ordinance if they have not read it. Chair Hansen stated "if you want to read it, read it. I don't think you have the authority to tell the rest of us to do anything with it." He then restated his position that he would not tell everyone they would have to read it;" they do not need a Mom." Chair Hansen then asked everyone to read the ordinance language.
The meeting was adjourned. (Following the meeting I heard Chair Hansen make a statement to Commissioner Jennings."Remember, you are not Chair anymore; you lost that vote." I left the meeting wondering if the Chair is frustrated perhaps because of a lack of command of the language or lack of knowledge regarding the issues. I wonder does he feel the need to diminish the knowledge that Commissioner Jennings has to share based on her relationship to and involvement on issues? In my opinion the treatment of Commissioner Jennings was childish, disrespectful, condescending and at times tinged with bullying and badgering. Perhaps knowledge, experience and preparation by some can only be recognized as arrogance by those with less knowledge and ability. Citizens have a right to attend meetings and observe business conducted with respect.)
A follow up note to ponder - Three Planning Commission members submitted complaints regarding Commissioner Jennings. Coincidence? Was there a mutual meeting and discussion outside of public view to come to the conclusion that complaints were justified? Commissioner Barfknecht was not one of the complainants. A special meeting will be held by the Town Board to discuss the complaints with Commissioner Jennings present.
Information was gleaned from an Audio/visual taping. A CD copy of the meeting can be obtained from the now current Township Clerk.